

03月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以运动为主题的英语作文 60字]是几年级的呀 选一篇吧1.My favourite sport My favourite sport is running. I like running because I can do this sport on my own and I can run anytime I want. Afte...+阅读

Love is the purest thing in the world, is the warmest. Love is infinite. Love is immortal. Everyone has loved, grew up under the care of everyone will love. Kinship and friendship will bring us joy and laughter. Song: love is a light, so good. Yes, love is a pure light, is very beautiful and the future of light our way through it. Let us go forward and never go out. We should cherish all the priceless love around, after all, a person's life is short. Love is perfect, love is pure, it has given us a lot of courage and confidence, we are full of confidence in the free life on the road. We should pass this love to others, let them feel the warmth of love.


Holiday is the time for people to relax and enjoy. Recently, my family and I had a trip to Perth. All the fun we had is still lingering in my soul, how I wish we could stay longer there.Perth is located in Western Australia, it gave us an ideal idyllic holiday which no other country could offer.This city quaint has its own unique charm which captivated the hearts of my whole family. on the first day that we landed in Perth, we were warmly welcomed by the service staff in Maxsis Hotel. Their service was impeccable. It was more than a comfortable abode to ease our jet-lagged bodies on the first day. Knowing that we were visiting Perth for the first time, the reception immediately arranged for my family to be taken to one of their finest room that overlooked the mesmerising sights of the city.By the second day, we were well rested to Perth. My father took out a rented car and we commenced on our self-drive trip. The scenery of rolling hills and lush greenery exuded tranquility. We drank in the enrapturing sights and sounds of Perth. Our first destination was City Beach, my family and I had a perfect tan while lazing on the bustling beach. The myrial of bikini babes and surfer dudes was quite a fascinating sight for my parents. City Beach is well-known for its postcard-worthy sunset sights. The fiery sun retiring beyond the horizons on the Indian Ocean was truly a sight to behold.Mandurah Beach was my unlimate favourite, which I am sure you will concur with me. Windsurfing, kite surfing, bodyboarding and boating on the waterways; you name it they have it. It is a paradise for us watersports lovers. Mandurah Beach provided all of activities which whetted my appetite for adrenaline rush thrills. I managed to pack windsurfing and body boarding into my itinerary for that day, while my parents went kite surfing and boating on the inviting waterways. This pristine crystalline beach is truly a gem in Perth. A must-go! We ended our third day by driving to Floreat Beach to have a look at its renowned clear waters. It was indeed crystal clear. A wonderful beach for snrkelling. After a long day of outdoor activities, we finally cheacked into Medina Hotel Apartments, it was beautiful accommodation that was just a stone throwaway from the beach. Luxurious and comfortable, we had a restful night to recharge ourselves.On our fourth day, it was time for shopping and some Australia cultural immersion. My mother and I conquered the major shopping malls in Perth's city for some of the best bargains, while my father idled the day away in several alfresco resturants. My father had field day enjoying exquisite Australian cuisine and wines. The shopaholics in me and my mother were satiated while the gastronomic delights and fabulous Australian wines ignited the glutton in my father. Finally we ended the day with an exotic cultural performance by the Aboriginal Tribe at the Perth Theatre.On our fifth day we went for some shopping and a gourmet trail in the day. Georage's Meze Resturant in Subiaco serves excellent Greek cuisine. We had our dinner at Blue Duck Cafe which overlooked the striking Cotteslos Beach; alfresco dining and a brilliant sunset is best served at this delightful Australian cafe. The minute elegant cresent takes the night sky, Perth city comes alive. All the pubs and clubs were busting with locals and tourist alike. My parents signed me up for a club-hopping night tour, while they retired to the hotel fir some rest. I was ecstatic! I was all on my own and the people in the tour group were all youngsters like myself. The effervescent nightlife in Perth was beyond my dreams. The dance music and the DJs were all international standards. I really relished that night as the tour brought us from on pub to another club along Northbridge and Sabiaco! Every single one of them rocked!Finally home sweet home after a perfect getaway in Perth, Australia. I highly recommend this itinerary to you. Personally I have no qualms about being an ambassador to recommend this charming Western Australia city to anyone who is looking for a short escapade from China. 我写的是关于澳大利亚的一趟旅行,内容有我英文老师的指导,个人感觉应该达到了水准。



> If I am being misunderstood,maybe I'll be afraid and scare. But I'll come down in a short time,because I know that I need to make the thing to be see the mystery. I will try to tell the truth to teacher or someone who are Misunderstanding me. Maybe I'll call my parents to help me. Or I'll find someone can help me. Anyway,I'll do my best to make sure all of them are not misunderstanding me.


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