

03月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急求雅思地图小作文的范文]请结合笔者上述内容,操练以下经博主改编成的地图题范文选词填空练习,以加强你的雅思地图题写作。(笔者这里特注,题目与范文都来自《剑5》TEST3 中的TASK 1) You should spend abo...+阅读

That"s a 300% increase 的意思就等于 the number after increase is 300% of before increase 中文理解就是 增长后的数字是增长前的300% 所以是对的没错 如果说增长“了”两倍 应该是说 increase by 200% 或是 two times more than .. the number of...triple 也是说 。。。的数字是增长之前的3倍(从500到1500)如果要说比增长之前大两倍A is two times more than B 直接说double 或 triple只是说现在这个数字是之前的两倍、三倍 3times more 我没看到前文 这个which指代的是什么 但如果前面是增长“到”的数字的话 他的意思应该也是说 这是一个3倍的增长 因为如果他要说比之前的500大3倍的话 用的应该是比较级 而比较级必须完整的说明比较对象 应该说 3times more than the number in...这里的more 就等同于increase, up等








帮你贴还没有看但是第一印象就是40分钟内你绝对写不了那么多.What,you maywonder,is the consequences of youngsters finding a job or beginning a travelduring the time of a year rather than entering the classroom in universityimmediately of who have just graduated from high schools and are going to befreshman in colleges.Although,inspired by their parents and teachers,he or she undoubtedlymake up his or her mind to explore the society and the world by a job or atrip,it seems that with some positive effects being brought,the negative onesalso emerge among above activities. Why these wayschose by so many young student become second to none on acquainting themselveswith real society can be illustrated by the cause that through normal teachingon class from high school to college only theoretical knowledge are absorbedcompletely by students.By contrast,the practical skills such as the ability ofcommunication are really hard to be taught at school,which need real backgroundsand visual negotiations with strangers.Because of this,if somebody look forwardto adapt cruel society in advance,it is necessary for them to spent such a yearon getting in touch with the real world.Furthermore,these future students incampus are easier to make friend with the strangers who they never meet bycooperating with others or helping each other during the trip.And the biggestadvantage they can obtain is that with the chance of ** every crucial decisionto cope with difficulties happened during this year,self-esteem would beencouraged and self-knowledge also can be fulfilled. However,likepatients take pills to control diseases accompanied by side effect,thedisadvantages of having interim year to experience the true world and becomemature in psychology are also brought about.Firstly,it is inevitable that aftergetting salary and earning money in work or enjoying themselves at touristsites the interests on study will naturally decreae and the attraction ofknowledge will deminsh at the same time,followed by the behaviours of skipingthe courses and giving up the goal in life.Even worse,there are manytemptations such as luxury hotels and modern pubs that lead to a wrong way tocourt material lifestyles and then make them hated in study. In myopinion,before starting the first social course in lifetime,the right guidancesfrom parents and teachers is essential to make sure that these vivid youthswill not be disturbed by bad things.Only in this way,can these activities abouta year be useful for young people and the whole society.




不管是在小学还是在中学,我时常会听到关于哥哥姐姐报考厦门大学的消息。记得我读五年级的时候,有一天邻居晓温姐姐要去厦门大学参加入学测试,当时,我曾问过爸爸:我以后能不能像晓温姐姐那样也报考厦门大学?爸爸是这样回答的: “当然可以,不过你的学习成绩要非常好。你知道吗?晓温姐姐在年段里的名次都是数一数二的,只要你努力学习,爸爸妈妈相信你一定能行的!”



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