

03月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以关爱为作文题目300字作文]从前,在某个地方,有一片枝叶茂密、鲜花芬芳的地方,那里山清水秀,鸟语花香;那里的人们互帮互助,有难同当,有福同享;就连那里的鸟儿也舍己为人。 有一天,一棵树觉得,自己的身体在慢慢衰...+阅读


Nowadays, no matter where you get around in a city or even in the countryside, it is pretty easy for you to find one or two signs introducing a product. Whether the influence of advertising is good or bad could be examined as follows .We will start by talking about the merits of advertising.

Firstly, advertising is informative, which provides the customers with a quick access to the product needed. Secondly, consumers can expect to have a best price by comparing and contrasting the prices and specifications of the commodity advertised by different suppliers.

However, advertising involves some defects .The popularity of advertisements has been growing along with the increased layout of design as well as showing up in the marketplace more frequently. The cost will definitely be passed on to the customers.

After the above analysis of the pros and cons, I tend to be in favor of the positive effects. Undoubtedly, nothing is more important than living in a society where ordinary people can enjoy the conveniences and competitive prices brought by commercials. I believe that the negative effects can be minimized through sustainable economic growth and education.



Possible version:AdvertisementAdvertisements appear everywhere in modern society. When you walk along the streets, you can see large boards with pretty girls smiling at you. You read newspapers, and see half of the pages covered with ads. You turn on TV, and you see commercial advertisements again. Whether you like it or not, advertisements fill your life.In order to attract more customers, advertisements will sometimes go to extremes. Advertisements use every possible means in producing their announcements. For example, to advertise a certain food, advertisers will employ an actor to sit at a table and eat up their seemingly delicious food product while they film him.Although advertisements enable you to make decisions quickly, sometimes they can cause lots of trouble. There are always many of them and they make you forget what you are sitting there for....

求助about advertisement英语作文

The Power of Advertisements

Every day, it is easy to see advertisements all around us. Look around. How many different advertisements can you see?

Often products show the name of the company that made them. This is a popular form of adver-

rising. The special picture or symbol, i.e. logo, appears on many different products. When you see a logo, it is hard to forget that product or company.

Many people buy a product because it is made by a certain company. In fact, some people only buy a product of a famous company. They think it proves that they are fashionable and have good taste.

It is common to find advertisements on TV or radio. Most advertisements are very short for people to remember. Nike,for example, has a simple slogan used all around the world:"Just do it". Advertisements often use funny situations as well. It is easy to remember an entertaining ad.

All advertisements are designed to make people buy a product. An advertisement for a soft drink, for example,might show a group of trendy young people who are having fun. The young people are all drinking the soft drink. Adverrisers are saying to you, "Why don't you buy it and be like these people? You can供禒垛溉艹防讹狮番饯 be young, modern and trendy, too."

You might think that advertisements do not affect you, but the next time you buy a soft drink, ask yourself: Why am I buying this particular product?




很多人买东西是因为它出自某一特定厂家。 事实上,有些人只买某个大牌厂家出品的东西,因为他们觉得这证明他们很时尚,有品位。

广告通常出现在电视或收音机里。大多数广告都很短小便于人们记忆。例如,耐克就有一个简单却世界闻名的标语:“Just do it”(只管去做)。广告中常常利用一些有趣的情景。通常娱乐广告就很容易记忆。



写一篇英语作文急急!Advertisements on the

Internet has become an imprtant part of our life,study and work, and more and more people are using it. There are many advertisements on the Internet about almost everything you can imagin.

why there are so many advertisements on the internet? firstly, there are many people surfing the internet every day. people will see the advertisements easily. secondly, it is very cheap to do advertisements on the internet, at least much cheaper than on the TV.

The influence of advertisements on the internet is great, they can make people want to buy things.However, some advertisements may be misleading even fake,which may cause damage to the buyers.so we should be carefull when we buy things onthe Internet.


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