

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求助写一篇作文]来源:E度作文网原创 文章作者:陈陶然 207-08 17:48:56 [标签:散文 青春 歌] E度网专稿 未经允许不得转载 那些在青春路上的歌。 我们一直都记得,埋藏在心灵的最深处,如同种下一颗...+阅读

第一句话真是 没看懂 至少错了两个单词一个句子中 还有两个动词这个应该是作文的题目吧1,猜的话 应该是叫你 感谢 他的来信吧Vielen Dank fuer deinen Brief. 2,询问对方的身体状况Wie geht es dir? Ich habe von den Nachrichten erfahren. Jetzt ist es frierend in Deutschland.3,在哪方面 你的朋友可以帮助你?Naja,Sebastian(这个根据题目要求,就是你德国朋友的名字), weißt du. Ich habe gerade mit Deutschlernen angefangen. Ehrlich gesagt, am Anfang ist alles sehr schwer für mich. Insbesondere ist die Genusangabe. Es ist zu hart für mich vorzustellen, dass die Tuer weiblich ist! Wenn du ein Kind warst, fandst du das auch ein Problem?Jetzt kann ich “der,die,das” nur auswendig lernen. Gibt es noch bessere Lernmethode`?4,告诉德国佬你的境况Dieser Semester kommt endlich zu Ende. Außerhalb vieler Prüfungen ist mir alles gut.Kürzlich habe ich "Wii" gekauft. Ja, ich weiß, dass Wii im Moment auch sehr sehr beruehmt in Deutschland ist. Ich freue mich darauf, dass du sofort wie möglich zu mir kommen kannst. Und dann können wir miteinander vergleichen. Wer ist der beste Wii-Spieler auf der Erde!就这样了 拿来应付作业是绰绰有余了...



adj. 简短的,简洁的;短暂的,草率的

little , passing , transient , compact

n. [图情]摘要,简报;概要,诉书

abstract , resume

vt. 简报,[图情]摘要;作…的提要

abstract , epitomize


复杂的:adj. complicated ; intricate ; tanglesome ; complex ; mazy


adj. 简短的,简洁的;短暂的,草率的

n. 摘要,简报;概要,诉书

vt. 简报,摘要;作…的提要

n. (Brief)人名;(英)布里夫


1. Life is short [brief].


2. What he said was brief but significant.


3. We decided to round off our tour of Europe with a brief visit to Madrid.


4. His article was brief and forceful.


5. In one brief page, it captures the state of the engine.



Industrial Cluster Strategy and Technology Innovation PathSummaryIn the context of economic globalization, enterprises are facing fierce competition, the outcome is determined by competition, technological innovation of enterprises. With that cluster around the current economic development as an important model, its advantages become increasingly evident. This article will start with technological innovation, industrial cluster analysis of how technological innovation enterprise and its strategy of technical innovation and its reliance on the path. This opening of technical innovation, industrial clusters leads to the contribution of technological innovation and a brief introduction to the theory of industrial clusters of technological innovation, but also focuses on the industrial clusters and technological innovation and relevance, advantages of industrial clusters and other aspects of technological innovation problems, leads to industrial clusters in the enterprise's technological innovation model from the starting cluster of enterprises of different sizes, innovative models of industrial clusters, these models have their advantages and disadvantages. In the study, after the main innovation model also analyzed a cluster of different sizes of strategic technology innovation path to what it is. Finally, making a deep analysis of reasonable later on, he Hutang Town, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, the textile industry cluster for the real case of clusters of enterprises on how to improve innovation.Key words: industrial cluster; technical innovation model; technology innovation strategy


班得瑞的英文版说明 A Brief Introduction Of Bandari The Bandari Project itself has become an extreme successful product for AVC on a worldwide level.Bandari stands for its own melodious,transparent style within a enormous number of meditation products.Every time you plunge into these impressive music,the stress of everyday's life will be cured. In an age of increasing modernization and alienation marked by the threating,omnipresent shadow of civilization,the desire and need for inner peace and harmony becomes increasingly significan.Bandari's mystic sonorities convey a sense of peace and security.The spheric sounds colored by touches of exotic harmonies create an inner balance with the world and its many cultures.An hour of sensual meditation,a truly unique listening experience. A group of young,enthusiastic musicians,composers and sound developers is the moving force behind the name bandari.Musical supervisor of the bandari project is Oliver Schwarz,a multi-talented German producer and composer who has worked in various musical fields over the years successfully.He has worked for successful Dance Acts such as Black¢∫White with excellent results in Japan.He has worked together with other famous producers such as Alex Christensen,who has produced(together with Frank Petersen)the Mega-Techno-Hit U96-Das Boot(from the famous movie)or the world famous title〃Time To Say Goodbye〃sung by Sarah Brightman & Anderea Boccelli.


写一篇认识自我的作文 500字求助认识自我哲人说“每个人都是最优秀的,要擦亮眼睛去认识自己,欣赏自己,发现和重用自己。 你有过这样的感受吗?当听到与自己同龄人在电视节目中绘声绘色的辩论时,你是否责备过自己...

求一篇以工作未话题的德语作文Hallo allerseits! Ich heisse ABC. A ist mein Familiename und BC ist mein Vorname. Ich bin im August neunzhenhundertneunundachtzig geborn in China, aber ich wohn...

跪求一篇德语作文学了两年还半懂不懂的德语,没有任何形式的字幕。 于是完全不敢说看懂了。还好对白极少。 也许正因为对对白不可能有更深刻的理解,反而更沉醉进了视觉和音乐带来的效果。 很喜...


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