

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以中秋夜遐想给我写一篇作文!2008年9月15日13 00之前]我把双臂伸开,衣服自动套了进去,使我情不自禁地生出了许许多多的遐想,我们的房屋都飞到了半空中,可人们却丝毫不知,我到厨房拿了两个现在最流行的环保果出来,樱桃味是我永远的最爱...+阅读

I still remember the great time spent in the united states this summer。 I went with my parents by air。 The moment arrived New York, the excellent weather, the friendly people, and the fresh air offers a sense of refreshment。 We effort to approach the peak of a certain mountain, went to a beach and played volleyball there。 On the beach, we have hamburgers, beverage, and fruit salad。 One of the most unforggettable experience was to take phones in the air when having a parasail。 We really have a good time there。


t was last Saturday that we went to the seashore.As it is a long distance to the seashore,as a result,we spent several hours getting there.As soon as we arrived there,we were so happy that we could't help putting up the tent immediately.After that,we told stories,sang and play games with each other as well.After this activity,though we were so exhausted,we felt very happy.What a great experience it was!


Beijing,29th July 2009

Dear Mr David Benson,

Thank you very much for hosting me at your house when I'm visiting New York back there.It was wonderful to meet you and your family,yours warmness towards me there is something I'm most grateful for.Thank you also for the help you offered me there,having you with me was like having a professional town guide.I am particularly excited to see New York with such a wonderful guide like you.

Thanks again,


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