

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请帮我找一篇过春节的英语作文]The Spring Festival Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It's to celebrate the lunar calendar 's new year .In the evening before the Spring...+阅读

Today was my father's birthday.Today is my father's birthday. 今天是你父亲的生日,这里没必要用过去时。so I went to the shop and bought a gift.后面可以加for him也可以不加。Had been thing about how happy he was when he received the gift,你是想说“你一直在想你的你的父亲收到礼物时会高兴到什么程度”吗?I kept thinking about how happy he would be(这里应该用过去将来时) when he received the gift.也可以说I could not stop thinking about how happy he would be when he received the gift.could not stop thinking是can't stop doing的一个应用,“禁不住做某事”I was so excited that I can hardly sat on my seat silentlyI was so excited that I could hardly sit on my seat.At the next stop,got on a grandma,holding two big bags in her hands.A grandma got on the train, holding two big bags in her hands at the next stop.I began thinking to myself whether I should give my seat to her.I start to think whether I should give my seat to her (or not).也可以用surrender my seat to her.Then about one minutes passed,I stood up and gave my seat to her.After one minute's thinking, I stood up and gave my seat to her....


I was thinking about how happy he would be when he received the gift, I was so excited that I could hardly sat on my seat silently. 改为 I was thinking about how happy he would be when he received the gift. I was so excited that I could hardly sat on my seat silently.这个句子,既然1楼把作者的句型改了,那中间的逗号也要改为句号. 或者保持原句型:Thinking about how happy he would be when he received the gift, I was so excited that I could hardly sat on my seat silently.


Disposable plastic bags are a convenient everyday item that makes our

lives more convenient, which is why people always use it. For example,

you can always see plastic bags being used at supermarkets or stores.

However, as time passed by, people noticed a problem - plastic

cannot be decomposed, so it cannot be buried under ground. Because of

this, plastic bags accumulate, and many can be seen hanging in trees or

in the river, polluting our environment.

It is important to promote environmental protection awareness.

Environmental pollution must be avoided so that people may live in a

healthy environment. After promoting the usage of shopping bags, the

accumulation of the plastic bags have been worked out. People have

acknowledged the importance of recycling and not litering trash around

the environment, and have started to use shopping bags more than before.

All in all, there are many advantages to limiting the use of disposable plastic bags and we should stick to it.




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