

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com


today is 5,10th. It was sunny . Our class planed to have a good fun in a park .

We went there by bus ,and after one hour we arrived park in the morning .

we clamed the moutain ,sang some songs and made a lot of fun .

After lunch we got a little activitives,and said the importance of protecting our environment to tourists. We went back at 4:00pm.

I'am very happy to join these activitives.It can help us learn more importance of protecting the environment.


班级郊游 Class Activities

Yesterday was Saturday. Our class went for an outing. We met at the school gate at 8:00a.m. We took a bus there. We went to theXiangshanMountain. It took about fifty minutes to get there. We climbed to the top of the mountain. From the top, we could see the whole city. It was so beautiful. We had a short rest on the top. And then, we went downhill. There is a lake in the bottom of the mountain. We had a picnic at the lake. We all took foods and shared with others. We were really happy yesterday.


Last week,I had a wonderful picnic with my friend and I like to share the story with others. The date we had our picnic was in Sunday,which was in the morning at seven o'clock.My friend came to my house with all the foods and drinks she had brought. We rode our bicycle for nearly an hour to reach the the foot of the mountain,and took fifty minute to do the mountain-climbing,it was not tired at all,we joke around all the time and felt that the time had past really quick. After we finally reached the top of the moutain we started to telling stories to each other,singing and play games,we enjoyed ourself pretty much and than it was time for lunch. We put the foods and drinks we had brought altoghther, and ate any of them you like,it was a beatiful lunch. After all we went back to home by nearly two o'clock in the afternoon. It was tired but it is the best day that i ever had. 采纳把。。:)


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