

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以我的宠物猫为题写一篇作文必须一百字]我家的小猫现在已经有12个月大了,很淘气,它使我有了许多欢乐,也有了许多尴尬。 惊吓 有一天,我趁我那只小猫在睡觉的时候,偷偷出来玩。(我的那只小猫天天缠着我)轰!我听到了好大的一...+阅读

Keeping Pets

Some people like keeping pets, while some people think we should stop keeping pets, but I think we shouldn't stop keeping pets because pets are our good friends. For example, a strong dog can keep your house safe all the time and a lovely cat or rabbit can make you happy all the time. You will have fun when you play with them and look after them. When you feel sad, you can play with your pets and this will give you a good mood. But not all pets are good. Some dangerous and wild animals, such as snakes, wolves, tigers may be harmful to you. Sometimes, pets will damage the enviroment because they always make dirty things. But, on the whole, I think pets are friendly to people and we shouldn't stop keeping pets


I am keeping two cats and a dog now ,and everyday need to clean the mess they made! and most terrible it's too much fleas which hide in their fury!!oh ,my!!they bite me and my family and make a great trouble for us!! of course ,you also ought to buy enough food for them ,or you won't have a piece of quiet!! and bathing them ,oh alas!!


Should Breeding Pet Be Banned?

Should breeding pet be banned? Answers to this question vary greatly. Some people are in favor of the idea of breeding pet. They always say that it can get rid of the loneness for an elderly person of no family. And they also say that it can color the life if we live with the animals harmoniously.

But other people consider it very harmful to our environment. The dejection of the pets will pollute out streets and parks. In addition, the parasites of the pets will infect people, which cause people sick. They also say that pets would make noise and even injure human.

Therefore a strict law should be issued to keep the breeding pets under proper control. Under the guidance of the law, I think, pets will play a better and better role in the furure.


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