

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[托福综合写作模板]北外托福为你提供综合写作模板 1. in the lecture, the professor made several points about ...... .the professor argues that..... However, the reading passage cont...+阅读

According to the listening material, the man asserts the group members can not be achieved the performance by reading passage. To equipped with lots of demerits that team is not be made decision by only one person. To give evidence to support his concept, the lecturer gives several standpoints.Initially, the lecturer puts emphasis on that the group is as a whole. He means that no individual will be mentioned if the group achieves success. Although some of the group members work really hard, some of them do not work hard. And this kind of thing is very normal, so it is an abstract of unfair treatment. The reading material insists that the individual are endowed with much better chances to show themselves.Besides, there must be no possibility for the group to make a response quickly. Because everyone is willing to get a 'freeride' so they need more time to make an agreement on some issues and then make the decisions. On the contrary, the reading passage takes it for granted that team work can save time, people will let each other understand that contribution is the highly creative solution to achieve the performance. Finally, based on the drawbacks have been given above; the team has more chance to get failure, which is against the reading material. At last, the lecturer probably thinks the whole team should blame those people who have done nothing. 你的论文我看的很云里雾里,只能做到这样了,改动比较大谢谢。


The reading and listening passages are having conflicting opinions about whether humpback whales navigate by the stars. The writer presents three theroies to explain the phenomenon. However, according to the listening, none of the theories showed in the reading is convincing.First of all, the reading claims that humpback whales are intelligent enough to use stars for navigation. The whale' well-developed cognitive ability seems to provide a sound basis for the ability to use stars for their orientation. But the opposes that there is not necessarily any real connection between ability of anminals' to use stars for navigation and their intelligence. To illustrate, the professor takes docks as an example. Docks are not highly intelligent, so their ability to navigate with star does not seem to have much of the connection to their overall intelligence, but the instinct. Accordingly,humpback whales' intelligence does not make them particularly likely to use stars for navigation.Second, the writer holds the opinion that humpback whales rely on stars at night to provide them with external signs by which to keep streight direction over long distance. But the professor in the lecture refutes this viewpoint by saying that there may be a different explanation for the humpback whales 'ability to move in straight lines. For animals able to navigate in straight lines, they must depend on some external object or force, which is Earth's magnetic field. It is because a substance called bio-magnetite exists in whales' brains and ususally the animals with the substance in their brain are sensitive to the earth magnetic field. The presence of bio-magnetite proves they orient themselves by the magnetic field, rather than stars.Finally, the writer states that humpback whales would float straight up for minutes at a time, known as sky-hopping,which indicates they are looking at stars when navigating. On the contrary, the listening rebuts this point. The professor says that spy-hopping probably has nothing to do with looking at stars. For example, other animals, like sharks,sky-hop. But their sky-hopping is just in order to hunt for preys. In addition, humpback whales are observed sky-hopping during the daytime when no stars can be seen. Thus, the hypothesis that the function of spy-hopping is to look at stars cannot hold water and is pure speculation.


供参考取消括弧内的字 Many people, believing that sports can only (provide people) provide people with good health and relaxation, maintain that they cannot teach people anything. However, I am in favor of the statement that athletic activities teach us a lot in various aspects. For instance, sports help us learn about unity. To demonstrate it we can take the football game as an example. The success of a football team depends on how well teammates perform the strategy and how harmonious the cooperation (between) among the members is. If one totally plays alone and never gives another person a single chance to perform in football match, he or she will definitely get exhausted and fail to win, ruining the unity of the team. Thus, we can see from this scenario that only by collaboration will the teammates hold the same goal and then work well to pursue their dream. Moreover, persistence, another significant element which determines win or loss, is usually what people gain by doing sports. For example, marathon is known as one of the most popular extreme races that challenge human limitation both physically and mentally. Without (persevering) persisting, one must fail half of the way and receive nothing but regret. I (have) had once (been practicing) practised long-distance running three years ago for my High School Entrance Examinations. I could still recall the time when I ran three thousand miles every day after school, just for training my physical ability. (No matter) No matter whether it was in downpour or (sunschorch) under the scorching sun , (freeze or high) or at a freezing or high temperature, never did I give up running. After all of the torture, I got full scores in the sports examinations and a strong spirit that would not be easily defeated by (setback) setbacks. If we can insist on every task (happens) happening in our life, we will surely succeed at last. Additionally, sports teach us not to care excessively about the result. (To say another word) In other words, the progress in which we develop ourselves and obtain friendship is more valuable than a gold medal. It was in last summer when I (go) took tennis training with my best friend Yoyo. At the beginning we (went to tennis matches) took part in mixed doubles matches as (double) partners and enjoyed lying on the tennis court together after training. Nevertheless, getting improved far more quickly than she did, I was not satisfied with just playing in double any more so I asked my coach (to attend match and to train separately) for separate training for single matches. To my surprise, he said〃 You've lost (what) the real pleasure of sport〃. It suddenly dawned on me that I had paid too much attention to win but ignored my pleasure and friendship. There is definitely no lack of learning opportunity when we are doing sports, but it is us who sometimes lack the awareness to grab it. Sports can teach us more than we imagine if we keep in mind to study at any time.


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