

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写一篇英语作文字数100字左右内容开心的一天]Today is saturday,we have no lessons,and we have lots of free time to do something that can enjoy ourself.The weather is sunny,the soft sunshine made all of us...+阅读

SURPRIKE Surpmarke it's improtant part in our life.If we need some food we can buy them in the surpmakets.And sometimes it also very cheap and safe.Supermarket its everywhere in the World.However where you go ,you can buy some food in the surpermarkets.It very convient for us to buy some that we neeed things


当您在餐馆吃完饭后,您会怎么处理剩下的食物呢?是将它们倒进泔水桶里还是找服务员拿一个doggy bag(打包袋)打包带走呢?顾名思义,doggy bag 本意指“装狗食的袋子”,也就是说,您可以把在餐馆吃剩的食物打包回家去喂狗。不过,日常生活中,食物到家后往往是进到了主人肚里,所谓的“带点狗食回家”仅是顾及面子的借口。而这正是“doggy bag”(打包袋)产生的渊源所在。现在人们习惯用get a doggie bag表示“将剩菜打包带走”,跟宠物没有任何关系了。来看下面这段对话:Tony: Their steaks are enormous. Sometimes I can't finish what I've ordered. 他们的牛排很大份。有时候我都吃不完我点的。Lisa: What if that happens to me? I hate to let food go to waste. 如果我也这样那怎么办?我很不喜欢浪费食物。

Tony: Don't worry. We'll just get a doggie bag. 不要发愁。我们就将剩菜打包。再来看下面这个句子:We had so much food left over from dinner at the restaurant last night that we took enough home in doggy bags to feed the whole family tonight. 昨晚我们在餐馆剩了好多菜,这些带回家的剩菜足够我们全家今天晚上再吃一顿了。值得一提的是,英文中还有一个词take-out与“外带食物”有关,不过,大家千万别把这两者搞混淆了。Take-out 是在餐馆、外卖店买的还没开动的食物,而 doggy bag 则是你在餐馆用来装吃剩下食物的袋子。...



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