

03月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学6年的回忆初二作文600字]在似水的时光里,我已成了一名初二的学生。在小学里的6年时光让我终身难忘。 在小学的最后一次散学典礼我看见好多同学都哭了,我也不例外。谁忍心抛弃6年的美好时光去见些陌生...+阅读

My three years' lives of junior school has been over.It brought me happiness and growth up.Among my lessons,my favorite lesson was enlish.I loved it,not noly it was a usefull tool in future but also it made me happy.In my spare time,I liked to call some friends to paly badmiton and I also comunicated with my classmates.Therefore,we had a good relationgship.Besids,my junior teacher impressed me deeply,she was kind and patient.I will remember my junior'life forever.我三年的初中生活已经结束了。它给我带来的快乐和成长。在我的课中,我最喜欢的课程是英语。我喜欢它,不仅是在未来的一个有用的工具也让我很开心。在我的业余时间,我喜欢打电话给一些朋友打羽毛球我和我的同学们也进行了交流。因此,我们有良好的关系。另外,我初中的老师给我留下了深刻的印象,她是善良和耐心。



Ladies and Gentlemen,

My dear friends,

It's my honor to give you a speach on behalf of the 2012nd graduates! I have spent three years in this beautiful school , the most attractive scenary is.... The class is so funny that all students are concentrate on teachers' words .Almost every student enjoys his class , they are interested in asking all kinds of questions and teachers are glad to answer questions. I had learned a lot both on study and life in last three years. All my teachers are kind and patient , I really love them, especially Miss Liu who is my Math teacher. In these years , my parents and my friends accompanied me most of the time, they supported and helped me when i was in trouble. I want to express my gratitude to them.

I wish all of you will graduate with honor, and all the teachers good health!

Thank you all !


I still remember the first day I went to the zoo. When I was only five years old, my mother took me there. I was pleased to see so many real animals at the same time. They seemed so lovely and active. I spent a nice day. But on my way home, I began to feel sorry for them. They were taken away from their parents and friends and also far away from the nature. They must have felt lonely, I thought. Every day, the only thing they could do was to sit there and wait for food.


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