

03月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[参加英语角的经历及对你的影响写一篇英语作文]There is an English Corner in our school. I often go there to talk with the people no matter I know him or not. Some times some English native people will come...+阅读




university students have a full understanding of personal responsibility and make full aware of themselves,so they can do everything they like.


University students loving beauty is a growing symbol which means they can fnd their own love and their own style.


University students who fights for freedom and opening make them have full reason to compete in beauty contest.



University student who compete in beauty contest will affect their own grades and also not good for the harmony socility

2. 形象脱群

The studens who take parts in the contest will looks like very unique in the crowd of students so their teacher will be affected and not good for the academic atmosphere in the university


tvhas been one medium of communication that has connected millions. and it is this link(连接) that makes talent hunt shows on the tube amazingly(惊讶的) influential(影响). young faces conveying disappointment(失望) or even overwhelming(势不可档的) joy have become a common sight on as many channels as your remote allows you to surf. the advantages of the shows(秀) are clear to some people. for one thing, in terms of business(以商业角度来说), the increasing popularity(人气) of talent(才能) shows has helped the channels in generating huge income(收入) by way of advertising and promotions. as a result, more and more brands... personally(我觉得)表示个人观点, i side with the former opinion. it is a wonderful feeling and a great way to relax(放松) for me to watch talent shows(才艺展示) and see ordinary(普通) people like myself become famous and win cash prizes. as long as talent shows are entertaining(进取心) and inspiring(激励感染) us, there is great sense in keeping and encouraging(鼓舞)


The laurel crown in 2002 miss world the beauty contest grand meeting

decided in the drop blood in Abuja holds, has initiated a local

serious conflict, caused 250 dead, 400 injured, 11,000 people ran away

to the homeland. Although the various countries' beautiful woman

already all safely arrived at new competition place London, but 250

human lives already made this session of election to catch the rank

smell of blood, the criticism sound like tide have raided, this

session of miss world had to put on the drop blood the laurel crown.


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