

03月07日 编辑 39baobao.com


2008 carried out in the summer, this is the last summer the University of each one of us hope to live a full and meaningful

Have started their own trouble for the future, the internship training, the pro forma pro forma, it seems that and the most leisurely of the people I still feel that on the 20th on the back to a better school, not so Wenxinyoukui, suffering from ~

At the time, now think long and slowly, thinking about all the忙活, there is increasing its own weight of guilt ~

Fortunately, this is the last of a summer vacation, after no longer empty so much time to think of the East to the West……

People grow up, suddenly a lot of things become very helpless, in order to survive, we have to make money but that is only the bar, economic independence, is Wang ah

I understand that many people said to me, the only work to know the school well, ah, I know

I know that many people said to me, only graduated to know or making very important, ah, I understand

However, I want to fly, even if only-the-wings or immature, I hope I can start my own dream of flight……


1 It was the first day of our holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. 2 The hot summer is often a test of perseverance, determination of each person different, but the desire to open the doors forever. The distance depends on you and I are willing to go into. Through the hot, they represent you embark on a new starting point. Today, I inadvertently read, see Tong Dizhou This text. Tong Dizhou learning very poor, but his hard work, the morning and evening are reasonable use of learning from the last one as the first. I get some great deal of inspiration : Whether jolly order to be successful, have to pay for their hard work and sweat in order to obtain a bumper joy. 3 This holiday reminds me of a saying : "No pain, no gain." How good words, I mentioned the spirit onto a sudden, I find the spiritual needs of the tonic. As to the past, I learn every day the teacher took us to the knowledge of the oceans, defeated one another. Received a trophy for the better. 4 How time flies!I feel the holiday is a dream that when i wake up i see it will come to an end. what have i done in the holiday?i often ask myself. what a pity that i have done nothing much. but luckily the holiday does't end.so i will make up for the holiday.



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