

03月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我的小伙伴作文600字。。。。。。。。]我的小伙伴 我有一个特别好的同学,也是我的好伙伴,我们一起玩、一起快乐的学习,留下了许多美好的回忆。 从成为一年级的小学生开始,我们就同班,直到四年级才分开,这更让我留恋我们...+阅读

my friend Qiangqiang

I have a close friend Qiangqiang,in common with me,he likes sports such as football,basketball,baseball and then some,he always wears a red hat no matter where we go and do something,maybe i think it is his characteristic,he is a little tall among persons of the same age,but he doesn't discriminate those he has the grab on in height.besides,he is thin.

Qiangqiang likes studing,and he likes math specially,in fact he always reflect on those difficult math problems that makes him more and more intelligent.Beseides,he is pretty eager to answer all the questions he can,he always play a active role in classes and all the activities organised by our school,he is at the top in our class all the time,and i often show my envy of him,obviously,i think i can learn a lot from him!

Qiangqiang has a healthy body and heart,everytime he has to be faced with troubles he can be optimistic and try his best to solve them.For example,one day he was playing football with us.suddenly,he fell,which stop him playing any longer,to our surprise,he was not sad,on the contrary,he watched our playing and encouraged us.

To tell the truth, Qiangqiang is a friend of me that is worthy of being learned from.

翻译: 我的伙伴强强



强强的身心都很健康,每次当他面都问题时,都从容不迫,保持乐观,努力却解决他们。 由一次,当他和我们一起踢足球的时候,他不小心摔倒了,令我惊讶的是,他并没有因此而伤心,而是给我们打气。


介绍一位名人的英语作文 40字左右带翻译

Martin Luther King, Jr. is a black churchman who lived in the 1900s. Negroes were thought to be bad at that time. Born in 1929, Martin Luther King had a dream to change his fortune. He gave lots of speeches about the right of negroes as well as suggested new laws. It is clear that not only his laws but also his bravery has been already remembered by the Americans. He's the hero of the United States.



this is my friend,she name is Judy. her is 12.her think the most interesting class is;music.the most difficult class is math .the most exciting sport is play basketball.

her hobby is play the piano.


this is my friend,he name is jack. his is 12.his think the most interesting class is;music.the most difficult class is math .the most exciting sport is play basketball.

his hobby is play the piano.


My English teacher

My English teacher is my favorite teacher. She is a 33 year-old woman. She is very beautiful with long hair. She is a good English teacher and always takes care of us and helps us to solve any problem about English lesson. She lets us be interested in English. She makes friends with us, so we study English very hard and make a lot of progress in English. I love my English teacher, and my English teacher love me, too.


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我的小伙伴作文 500字我的伙伴 童年是幼稚的年代,是天真快活,无忧无滤的年代,然而玩耍却成了童年时光里的一道美丽的风景。 玩耍是每个孩子的天性 ,这样也就会少不了有1些小伙伴了。我的童年好伙伴很...

我的小伙伴 500作文1.在所有我的小伙伴中他是最不起眼的,没有高大的身躯、健硕的体魄、秀美的面孔;但他却是最为才华出众的,他多才多艺、富有爱心、认真负责。他就是我的小伙伴——曾涵睿。 我们...

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我的小伙伴作文分析我有一个亲密的小伙伴,它其实是一只小狗,浑身都是棕色的毛,眼睛圆圆的,耳朵大大的,腿短短的,非常可爱。 它很顽皮,所以我们给它起名叫皮皮。 一天,我拿了一个玩具老鼠逗皮皮玩。玩累...
