
英语作文 campus love and learning谁会写

03月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[有关移民的英语作文英语作文300字]大家知道世界上哪个国家被称为移民国家吗?小编想大家肯定都是知道的,那就是美国啦,它可是真的由世界各国的人组成的哦,现在我们就一起来看一下吧。 Who are these people rushin...+阅读

Towards campus love and learning, college teachers and students hold controversial views.The majority of college teachers, especially old teachers, argue that students should give up love and concentrate on learning. They say that campus love is-time-and energyconsuming and tears students away from their main task. If a student ever falls in love, he/she will undoubtedly neglect his/ her studies and gradually lag behind his/her classmates. A few teachers, therefore, suggest that the university authorities restore the traditional regulation against love during students'school years.On the contrary, students hold that it is natural for young people to fall in love on the campus because they meet every day and their everyday meeting produces romantic passion towards each other. They insist that the campus is not the Garden of Eden and love is not the Forbidden Tree. They take for example some of their friends who, falling in love, are studying harder and have made greater progress to please their boy/girl friends.In my opinion, both views are lop sided. If astudent does not give himself/herself away in love but takes it as a drive, love produces positive effect. But if he/she indulges himself/ herself too deeply in love, then he/she will be a devoted lover but a frustrated learner.


Some college teachers argue that students should give up love for the sake of learning. They maintain that love is time-consuming and tears students away from learning tudents' main task. If a student falls in love, he will certainly neglect his studies and cannot catch up with his class. Students, however, hold that forbidding love affairs among college students is not good. They take for example some of their friends who, falling in love, study harder and make greater progress in order to please their girl (or boy) friends. Some one else, on the contrary, who has not fallen in love, cannot concentrate on learning. In my opinion, as a coin has two sides, love can be positive and negative. If you do not give yourself away in love but take it as a drive, you will make more progress in your learning and achieve much. But if you forget everything else except love, then you will become a "perfect" lover and a definite loser in your studies.


幸福的泪水 升入初三时,我被班主任委于重任,成为班级争星榜的管理员,负责给得星的同学粘贴五角星。可谁知道为了这不起眼的芝麻官,我流了多少委屈的泪水。 一次,我无意间发现小敏把我的星星撕下来,准备粘到自己的名下。竟有如此爱虚荣的小人!我恨不得立刻告诉老师,但为了保护他的自尊心,我并没有这样做,而是走到他身边严肃地说:“你想使自己得更多的星吗?”那你必须端正态度好好表现,星星可不是可以随便乱贴的。小敏表现出很无所谓的样子,漫不经心地把那颗星星贴回了原处,随即,瞟了我一眼,甩出一句话:“有什么了不起的,你自己贴上去的不也是‘黑’星吗?”听了这话,我凉了半截,不可否认,我的星星是全班最多的,但我得的每一颗星星都是自己辛辛苦苦挣来的,含金量都很高。

怪不得不少同学看我的眼光怪怪的,甚至有人在我背后指指点点的。我的心好疼。为了排除怀疑,我拜托班里信誉度很高的小亮做我的助手,每次给同学加星的时候,他都在我旁边, 尽管这样,我还是看到那异样的目光不时地向我袭来,那目光不仅射向我,还射向我的助手。原来有同学在背地里窃窃私语,说我们俩串通一气为自己捞星星,助手经不住流言蜚语的打击,愤然离开了我。 从此,一声,一声,又一声的“黑星,黑星,张强加的是黑星!”的话时常在我耳畔萦绕。辞职,这样的芝麻官不当也罢! 一天放学后,我向黄老师递上了我的辞职报告。黄老师神情自若地对我说“身正不怕影子斜,张强你要挺住,同学们是妒忌,其实他们心里明亮得很。”第二天的晨会课上黄老师专门为我上了一课。

黄老师说:“我们班谁得的星星最多?”同学们一致说:“张强!”那你们知道这些星星他是怎么得来的吗?”同学们七嘴八舌地说开了: “上课认真听讲!” “发言积极!” “作业总是全对!” “考试成绩优秀!” “关心班集体,为班级处力出汗!” …… “那你们有没有看到,张强的哪一颗星星是他以权谋私自己随便粘上去的呢?” 同学们沉默了,原先说我闲话的那几位同学埋下了头。一位同学站起来说:“张强的每一颗星星都是来之不易的,同学们都是很清楚的!” 黄老师最后说:“居然是这样,那么同学们应该支持张强的工作,不准有同学无中生有的说张强的坏话!” 我终于抑制不住自己的感情,流下了幸福的泪水。是呀,我太脆弱了,不应该听到一点点的流言蜚语就想退缩,老师和同学们这么信任我,我一定要把班里的星星榜管理得井井有条,让它为激励同学的学习热情作出贡献。


爱使我不断奋进 路,平躺着,充满着酸甜苦辣,充满着情仇缘恨,充满着一个个意味深长的道理。 荆棘坎坷是路的本性,但在这充满胜利阳光的路上却包含着深深的爱意。 爱,即使是一条路,也有爱。 小时侯,妈妈并不爱我,我总是这样认为。可长大后才感到自己太天真太幼稚了。其实,任何一个举动都有爱的存在,环抱。 那是一个风和日历的早晨,踏着凸凹不平的路,我和妈妈欢笑着,走着。 突然,我一个趔趄摔了一跤,痛和痛交织着,使我没有站起来的勇气,因而就放声大哭了。我以为妈妈会来扶我,让我慢慢爬起来,可面对我的却是一个无动于衷的陌生的没有一丝怜爱的妈妈! 我恨你,我这样想着,由于妈妈的无动于衷,我无法,我也无能为力,只能自己双手抓住地下慢慢爬起,一下,两下,我终于凭着自己一下一下地爬起了,我站起来了。

我又去看妈妈,心里有一丝得意,高兴。“瞧,你还无动于衷,我自己也能爬起来。”然而妈妈向我投来的满是喜悦,赞美。 我不懂妈妈的笑,更不懂妈妈的爱。 可现在,我懂了,更知道了什么才是真爱! 妈妈为了让我有攀登精神而不顾惜我的评价,这才是天底下最伟大的爱。 从此,我深深地记住了那条路,每每想起它,我心里满是不断奋进的力量,满是爱的感染。 天地间最伟大的爱不是溺爱,也不是宠爱,而是培养意志的崇高的爱!只有那爱才是真爱,才是一个人走向明天的基础! 路,仍是平躺着,仍充满着各味坎坷,但更重要的是充满着爱,充满着不断奋进的拼搏力量,充满着重新站起来的勇气! 爱,绵绵而又圣洁;路,坎坷而又笔直,它们都是那样地意味深长,让人琢磨不透。

其实,路上有真爱,那真爱却又是那样地逼促人——不断奋进! 爱使我不断奋进!


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