

03月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[幸福是一个甜甜的微笑初三作文500字]幸福是一个甜甜的微笑 人生如一本书,里面包含着:酸、甜、苦、辣!人生如一次漫长的旅行,幸福永远陪伴它一次遨游广阔的海洋;曾经,有人问我:“幸福是什么?”我思索片刻说:“幸福是一个...+阅读

Last week after the Foods Festival,it was the turn of our class to clean the playground,so my classmates and I gathered some waste papers and plastic bottles,we all decided to sell them to the school recycling centre,at last we get some money and donated all these money to the poorest student in our class.He is very happy,because that can afford to buy 1 book.He thanked us and said that we helped him this time.From that I can see that we ought to do what we can to help those who is in need.What's more important is that one behaviour can make difference


"产生影响"的英语短语是exert an influence.exert的英式读法是[ɪɡ'zɜːt];美式读法是[ɪɡ'zɜːrt]。作及物动词意思有运用;施加;产生。influence的英式读法是['ɪnfluəns];美式读法是['ɪnfluəns]。 作动词意思有影响;感染;在(饮料)中加烈酒。作名词意思有影响力;影响;权势;势力;有影响的人(或事物)。相关例句:

1、In this way,you will exert an influence first of all on the young people and then on the older people. 你们起了模范作用,影响就不同了,首先影响青年,其次影响成年。

2、Student's corporation activity exerts an influence on university student's psychology. 学生社团活动对大学生心理产生影响。扩展资料:


1、influence意为“影响”或“感化”时,后面可接upon或on。This example has great influence upon /on young people. 这个事例对年轻人有重大的影响。

2、区别下面两个句子:前者用over表示一种权力,可控制人。后者用with,仅表示对那个人有影响力,只能暗中左右他。Mike used to have great influence over that man. Mike used to have great influence with that man.迈克过去对那个人影响很大。



2、effect名词(可数或不可数),affect=have an effect on。effect有时虽用作动词(及物),但不表示“影响”,而表示“实现”或“产生”等。



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