

03月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[微笑面对生活的作文]她总是微笑,习惯性地微笑。微笑地面对每个人。无论那人是爱她的,还是伤她的。 ——题记 残余的细碎如水的漫长流年里,我一直是那个喜欢微笑的孩子,笑的浅浅的,淡淡的,呼啦啦的绽放...+阅读

Learn to Face Our Life Actively

Life is not easy for us.Everyday we have to face a series of problems.Students have to go to school for education,adults have to go to work for money.We all have to care for our family,or even the whole society.As a student,we feel great stress on our shoulders, many subjects and mountains of homework on backs.High school entrance examination and college entrance examination are in our hearts all the time.

Hard though it is,we should learn to face it actively,for that's the way it is.As an old Chinese saying goes,there is nothing hard for a willing heart.As long as we face all the problems and trouble bravely,we can overcome them one after one.

Friends,don't give up when faced with difficulties,let's face them actively.


Life is to live happily, that's livingMany negative face life, so they lose a lot and we should use this as an example,To persuade our lives should be an active live, we often can see a positive look at life always very happy as if we have to face life, that do not, we are not very okay, why do not we Active life?


明天会更好 Tomorrow Will Be Better

When we meet difficulties, most of us will be feeling distressed, just like the whole world is down and there is no hope for tomorrow. When we look back after many years, the difficulties at that time are just small matters, only if we can hold on to these. Life is wonderful, there is no need to let down on life when we meet difficulties, like a popular song“How can we see the rainbow without the storm”. Once I failed on the exam, I feel my world is over, I couldn't eat well, I just let my parents down, I was so guilty about it. My teacher told me that the exam was not a big deal, I should forget it and kept moving on. Since than, I work hard and trying to forget it. Now when I look back on the failing exam, I think it is not a big deal.


Smile to our lifeWe all hope life can be going on same as our thought, but itis impossible. In our childhood, we may get high score and win the first prizein primary school in our small hometown. We may think we can keep on gettinghigh score and first prize in the Middle School, too. However, when we go to the middle school,there is more and more students from wide place. All of the excellent studentsfrom different primary school come to the same school. Most of students willnot get the first prize as there is only one. Some may frustrate and some maybe sad. In this case, we should open our mind and keep on work hard. Though wecan't get No. 1 but we can study together with more excellent students. We canlearn what we need to amend and improve our ability from them. There will be more and more things happen. Some may let ushappy. Some may let us cry. No matter what happens, we should keep on smile toour life. Only smile can give us more courage. Only smile can help us toovercome the difficulty. Life is not full of sweet, but if we can smile to it,it will be more sweet than bitter in our life.


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