

03月03日 编辑 39baobao.com


in nowaday society more and more jobs require not just the degree of educations but also the job experiences and person's attitudes. With this the competitions are hard between people who are applying for the same job. But nevertheless, there are couple ways to get you ready for this competition.

The first, it's always better to be the first one to apply for the job. In this way, you may apply more than one, which will increase the chance you will have one of the job. What is more, if there are two jobs available for you, you can always go for the better one.

The second, to be respectful when you talk to the interviewer. Remember not to be nervous and to put your hand in the pocket. Showing confidence in talking and do not use slang words. This will really pleased the interviewer.

The third, do not be late. The interviewer hated it when the other person come late for their very first conversation. This is especially for some young teenagers. So, make sure you get up earlier so that you can have extra times to prepare for yourself.

These are the several ways to help you success in a job interview.



The impression you make as you walk into the room is very important. Try to find out if the

company or organization has rules about dress. Then try to dress according to their regulations.

You also need to plan what you are going to say. In some interviews you will have to do a lot of talking, and in others you will only have to answer a few questions about your education and experience. You need to have answers ready about yourself, your schoolwork, your strong points, your reasons for applying for the job, and the salary you expect.


How to Succeed in a Job Interview?

It is undeniable that an interview plays a critical role in job-hunting. Through the interview, an employer can meet their future employees in person and know them more thoroughly. Sometimes the written form of examination cannot reveal candidates' real talents or problems. Besides, it is also beneficial for candidates to take an interview. They will have a chance to make their employers understand them better. إ

A number of factors contribute to the success in a job interview. Personally, I think job-hunters should pay attention to the following points. First, they should be well prepared professionally. That means they should be ready to answer all the important questions concerning their future job. Secondly, they should express themselves confidently and honestly. Last but not least, they should pay enough attention to their appearances, that is, they should be properly dressed.إ

As far as I am concerned, I will get academically ready first, and then be relaxed to answer all the questions. I will also dress up and behave properly. I do believe that so long as I make good preparations, I will perform well in the interview.


如何成功面试?(How to Success in a Job Interview?) As the economy developed, the job interview has been prevailed. In market economy, a job interview may be the final process of job-hunting. Job interview tries to make interviewer and interviewee know each other in a short time. In less than ten minutes, the interviewer will ask you some questions to evaluate whether you are suitable to this job. The interviewee, therefore, will try their best to perform themselves. As a matter of fact, the interview has a great effect on job-hunting. Then how to succeed in a job interview? Something should be paid attention to. On one side, the interviewer may see to the appearances and manners of interviewee. It is the first impression on people. Good beginning is half of success. On the other side, the professional knowledge and capability are the most important factors in a job interview. With them, you will never be employed. Last but not least, the confidence is important as well. Without confidence, nothing can be done. Confidence is usually regarded as the reflection of capability. In a word, if you can perform well in a job interview, the chances are that you will be employed.如何在面试时留下好的印象(How to leave a good impression at the interview) To leave good impression at the interview, you have to prepare well before you enter their office. You have to prepare some answers to the questions most interviewers usually like to ask,you have to know your advantage and disadvantage, you should know something about the company you applying, the details of the job requirement, and many other things related to the position you were applying for. Anyway, know the others and yourself, you should be successful.对面试的看法(My View on Job Interview) With job-seeking and job-hopping becoming a way of life, many enterprises base their recruitment policy on the job interview. Whether this is an effective approach remains to be seen. Many people think the job interview is a very good way of telling excellent people from the average. The theory is proof-worthy. In a face-to-face interview the applicant shows the best of himself and directly impacts on the interviewer. Supporters in favor of the job interview as a very effective method think the first and direct impression is always the right impression, and by direct interviewing, the enterprise won't fail in its decisions. Other people may have negative opinions. They think the job interview is not the right way of telling whether the interviewee is the right person, for luck may play a very important part. If the interviewer chances to have prepared well for the questions he is asked, his chances of being appreciated will be great. And if the enterprise chooses him, he may in time prove inefficient or incompetent. Those people who are against the job interview say the traditional written exam is comparatively more objective and effective. I think there is nothing wrong with the job interview. But, it shouldn't be the sole criterion for the final decision.如何在求职中获得成功(How to Be Successful in a Job Interview) To be successful in a job interview or in almost any interview aituation, the applicant should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities. Most likely, the first and often a lasting impression of a personis determined by the clothes he wears. The job applicant should take care to appear well-groomed and modestly dressed, avoiding the extremes of too pompous or too casual attire. Besides care for personal appearance, he should pay close attention to his manner of speaking, which should be neither ostentatious nor familiar but rather straightforward, grammatically accurate, and in a friendly way. In addition, he should be prepared to talk knowledgeably about the requirements of the position, for which he is applying in relation to his own professional experience and interests. And finally, the really impressive applicant must convey a sense of self-confidence and enthusiasm for work, as these are factors all interviewers value highly. If the job seeker displays the above-mentioned characteristics, he, with a little luck, will certainly succeed in the typical personnel interview.给你这么多够吧?






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