

03月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初中作文笑容使我更美丽网初中生作文大全初中作文600字]微笑使我美丽 微笑,是人类最基本的动作。微笑,似蓓蕾初绽。真诚和善良,在微笑中洋溢着感人肺腑的芳香。微笑的风采,包含着丰富的内涵,它是一种激发想象和启迪智慧的力量。在顺境...+阅读

It was snow just now, there are lots of snow in the sky. The rivers are stopping flowing. The ground is covered with a layer of snow.

The snow looks like smoke, it's white. It likes a piece of paper. The snow fall from the sky. It kisses the ground. How white the snow is! How beautiful the snow is!

I like snow! I like winter!


March 18 is my birthday. I invited some of my best friends to take part in my birthday before a week. I got up early that day and cleaned the rooms. Then I hung up colorful lights in the room. When they came and said Happy Birthday to me, I felt very happy. Everyone brought me a present. We sang pop songs and danced together. My best friend Lucy tole a funny story and everyone laughed happily. The happiest things were that we blew out candles and ate the cake togher. Everybody had a good time that day.


My friend is li cheng wei. He is as old as me. He is taller than me. But my stronger than him. He likes singing. I likes singing too. I like my friend very mach.

我的朋友英语作文30词二:My friend

I have a friend ,it is a dog. Its name is Maomao. It likes eating meat . It aiways likes run around with me . It is very clever and cute. I like it very much. I think it is my best friend!

我的朋友英语作文30词三:My friend

I have a new good friend. Her name is Wu Mi.She is thirteen years old,But she is short.She has big eyes,a small mouth,a small nose and a round face.It is very cute.She likes reading books.I like her very much,because we are good friends.


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