

02月27日 编辑 39baobao.com


Today makes me angry

I am really angry today, because my best friend laugh at me. I know he don't mean to do that. Maybe I am a little bit too nervious. I don't even want him as my friend. My mother noticed my change. She asked what happened on me. I told today's event. My mother laughed too. She said that I was wrong. My friend laughed at me just because he wanted to help me correct my mistake,though the way he did may a little bit harsh to me I misunderstood him. He is my best friend friend indeed. I am proud of him.




Saturday, sunny 9.6

Today is the weekend, has already opened one week. The end of the summer living and ushered in the new school life. This semester I have a Grade 11. My life is busy. Although I do not have a lot of time playing. But knowledge has enriched me. I am very happy. I like our new English teacher. He Henshuai, very responsible. I hope my performance will improve in this semester. I must study hard. Only in this way can have good results.



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