

02月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[网络有什么好处和坏处的作文400字]网络有什么好处和坏处 有人认为上网好处多,也有人认为上网坏处多。而我却认为上网有好的方面,也有坏的方面。 上网可以查资料、听音乐、看电影、看新闻等功能,无聊时还可以适当...+阅读

Ought Parents to Give Children Pocket Money ? We live in a commercial society. Everything that we use is merchandise. In the commercial world the media is money.Therefore, money is very important to us. Earning money and spending money are big problems not only to the adults but also to the kids. Kids have a long way to go in their lives. What they will be depend on the influence that they get before the age of 20.We must give them positive influence during their childhood. We should give a kid a little money when he is 9 years old. For instance, we can give a kid 10 yuan every month, and ask him to write us a report on how he uses the money. This can give him a right idea of how he should use the money. We also should give the kids some chances to earn money,by which means we can show them that earning money is not easy, and they should spend the money carefully. The most important point is that we must tell the kids that money is not everything in our lives. There are lots of things that we can not buy with money, such as health and love. Consequently, the best we could do to provide the kids with a correct understanding of money is let them approach money closely. We should give a little money to the kids and tell them what money is at all.


Advantages and disadvantages of the gift money

As everyone knows, gift money is a children's love, because each to have the Spring Festival when the adults will give children a new gift money. Therefore, gift money can let children feel happy. However, if the gift money denominations are too big, can lead to children because the more money and splurge that spend money like water, lead to the life of a child destruction. Therefore, gift money is a double-edged sword, there are advantages and disadvantages.

翻译: 压岁钱的利与弊



:Everyone needs money. Men can't live without money. But money isn't everything. I find it is very important for a person to work hard. Somebody loves money and says he needs money every day. In fact,if he owns a large amount of money ,he always like to play with others and he spends too much money on everything. He is sure to feel regretted in the future. Of course,it's very good to make good use of his money. For example,he uses his money to denote the charity. People will remember him forever and he will be respected by people. Try not to waste your money in your life. Cherish your precious money in your life. Save more,make a contribution more for the socitey! :每个人都需要钱。男人不能没有钱。但钱不是万能的。我觉得这是非常重要的对于一个人努力工作。有人爱钱,说他每天都需要钱。事实上,如果他拥有大量的钱,他总是喜欢玩别人,他花太多钱在一切。



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