

02月26日 编辑 39baobao.com


The rain drops come from the water on the earth. As the temperature increases, the water on the earth absorbs heat from the surroundings. After the absorption, the water vapours into the sky. Those vapour or moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night, because the temperature is low at night. Those dew get together into the cloud. They will be liquefied when there are too mych dew in the sky. Hence, they will fall down which is the rain. The rain will maintain in the form of water on the earth until it absorbs heat again. This is the circulation process of the rain.


The rain drops come from the water on the earth. As the temperature increases, the water on the earth absorbs heat from the surroundings. After the absorption, the water vapours into the sky. Those vapour or moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night, because the temperature is low at night. Those dew get together into the cloud. They will be liquefied when there are too mych dew in the sky. Hence, they will fall down which is the rain. The rain will maintain in the form of water on the earth until it absorbs heat again. This is the circulation process of the rain.雨来自地球上的水。随着温度的升高,地球上的水吸收周围的热量。吸附后,水蒸气进入天空。这些蒸汽或水分在夜间,大气凝结成露珠,因为温度低的夜晚。那些露在一起进入云。他们将液化时也有mych露在天空。因此,他们会掉下来的雨。



或者32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333332393464:The rain drops come from the water on the earth. As the temperature increases, the water on the earth absorbs heat from the surroundings. After the absorption, the water vapours into the sky. Those vapour or moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night, because the temperature is low at night. Those dew get together into the cloud. They will be liquefied when there are too mych dew in the sky. Hence, they will fall down which is the rain. The rain will maintain in the form of water on the earth until it absorbs heat again. This is the circulation process of the rain....


The water in the rivers, lakes and oceans become steam in the air, and they mix with the dust, then forms the clouds. After more and more clouds get together, they become dark clouds. When it becomes heary enough, it will fall down in the form of rain. The rain water flow together, some of them flow to the rivers and lakes, which finally run into the seas, they are the surface water. Some parts leak into the undergroud and forms spring, these are called undergroud water. All of them will provide the water to human beings.



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