

02月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[寒假里,你有学习计划吗]【评语】:作文通过举例说明在假期里没有合理的安排好自己的假期则是浪费,通过这个例子来引出自己制定的假期学习计划。 【正文】: 寒假,一个漫长的假期,在这个假期里,你都干什么呢...+阅读

主要记单词,语法搁一边,150的题能拿下110,,, English, oh, English, is not Chinese Nor is it other -nese, such as Lebanese or Japanese! If we need to learn English and use it well Chinese, we have to use, as less as it can tell 10 hours we have to use a language a day 2 for English, 8 for Chinese we put away Can we use English as well as Chinese? 2 hours, that is not using, buy simply play! Only one way we need to make English good 4 steps we need, whether we would Input to our brain, English, all Then think in English, Chinese, not at all After thinking out clearly, remember all the input Only then can we write or speak, all English output. That is the only way we learn English, and use it well If we mix with Chinese, English, forge it, and never ends well Do we believe that an Englishman, has to translate all the time they can? Good luck.

求两篇英语读后感 100字左右!

Robinson was a civilian, but he made a ramblingambition. Robinson's first adventure began in 1651. He found the barter trade and Africa have good prospects of gain, then several visits to Africa, the last is the unfortunate event of a pirate, he himself became theslaves. Soon, he took the opportunity to escape, was rescued by a ship bound for Brazil. To Brazil, and boughta farm, and lived a comfortable life. But naturally likeadventure he, also want to go to Africa to sell black, theship sank in the South America ran aground near, he survived, and lonely life in a retire on the island, is a live 28 years.


reading "A tale of two cities"

"A tale of two cities" is one of Dickens's most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.

The novel has portrayed many different people. Doctor Manette , Lucie ,Charles ,Lorry ,Sydney and Miss Pross . I like Lorry best,as he is honest and brave.

As an outstanding writer,in Dickens's work,the language skill is essential.the style "A tale of two cities" is solemnity and melancholy,fills indignantion,but lacks the humor of the early


How to improve our english ?This problem must bother many people. Now,I have three ways to share with you .Firstly,speak as much as you can.Secondly,listen something about english,such as:english song ,watch some english move.Thirdly,write diary in english and correct it . In my opinion, learning english well is not easy,it also need ua to persist in writing ,listening,speaking....I will insist on learning english.I believe that nothing is improssible if we do it.


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关于2018年学习改革你有什么看法作文2018年的我 未来的我是一个发明家,我发明的东西多的不得了,我就住在一个我自己发明的房子里。房子自己可以透过一天的气温变出合适的气温,我的房子不但是高科技的,里面的家俱也...

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对于一个老板来说诚实的重要性英语作文Almost all of us heard the story “Here Comes the Wolf” when we were little kids. What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest. However, there're...


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英语学习心得体会!急1. 从最感兴趣的方面入手。如果喜欢旅游,可以浏览美国国家地理网站;钟情卡通,可以多欣赏迪士尼原声大碟;关心时事,可以在线收看CNN,BBC的新闻。总之,兴趣是最好的老师,对什么感兴趣...

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