

02月26日 编辑 39baobao.com


略 试题分析:这是一则命题作文,没有提示语,认真审题可知,“放慢脚步”中的“脚步”不仅是一种实指,更指行进中心态。如果写前一种,可联想在行走时放慢脚步会看到的风景。如果写后一种,可联想在前进的路途中,放慢脚步,用心体会、观察会得到什么收获等。在选材构思时,一定要遵循“熟”的原则。从众多的素材中,把你印象最深、最易于驾驭、写出来最具有真情实感的材料选择出来,完成写作。点评:命题作文一定要把题目审清楚,根据题目确定写作的方向和内容。具有双重含义的文章题目,还要深入思考,不仅看到它的表面义,还要理解出它深层的含义,从而挖掘出更符合题意的,立意更深远的内容。把题目审清后,再根据自己掌握的素料确立主题,来完成构思与写作。



Background Music(背景音乐)

Background Music

Background music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it. Recorded background music first found its way into factories, shops and restaurants in the U.S. But

it soon spread to other parts of the world. Now it is becoming increasingly difficult to go shopping or eat a meal without listening to music.

To begin with, "muzak" was intended simply to create a smoothing atmosphere. Nowadays, however, it's become big business .... thanks in part to recent research. Dr. Ronald Millikan, an American marketing expert, has shown that music can boost sales or increase factory production by as much as a third.

But, it has to be light music. A fast one has no effect at all on sales. Slow music can increase receipts by 38%. This is probably because shoppers slow down and have more opportunities to spot items they like to buy. Yet, slow music isn't always that effective. Dr. Millikan found, for example,

that in restaurants slow music meant customers took longer time to eat their meals, which reduced overall sales. So restaurant owners might be well advised to play up-tempo music to keep the customers moving-- unless, of course, the resulting indigestion leads to complaints



Slow down your life paceIn present day China, many parents tend to cram their children's schedule with private English and math classes and artistic pursuits such as violin or piano lessons. Does it do good to children? Of course not. Thus a great number of children often feel under great pressure and even claim to be an “overexerted and sleep-starved” generation.With the development of science and globalization, our life pace becomes faster and faster. We have no time to read, to travel, to appreciate and even to think. It is a pity that we only struggle to earn more money instead of enjoy life itself.I think some measures should be taken. Elementary and middle schools should not assign homework. Youth sports teams should cancel practice. Clubs and tutors should schedule no meetings or lessons. And parents should come home from work in time to have dinner with their kids and focus on family matter.Another reason why we quicken our life pace is pressure, whether it comes from the society of other people. The notion that the harder I work, the more I can achieve is deeply ingrained in our minds, so many people keen on making money and competing with others, which can help them survive in this society. Although reluctantly, they quicken their life pace in order to be in abreast with other people.Slow down, and appreciate life itself, and you will find the most beautiful scenery just around you. Never miss it.内容32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333236373737相近就可以了吧因为可以多方面说


One day, Jim was drive his car to his office, he was listening to his favorite songs, he drove very fast, suddenly, a little boy ran with a football around a corner, Jim was so frightened that he closed his eyes. Luckily, a young man ran over in time , he pulled the boy back ,Jim's car just went by them. Jim stopped his car ,his face was pale. There are many traffic accidents every year, to prevent these accidents happen, we must obey the traffic rules, when we are driving, we should't make calls or listen to music, when we go around the corners of the streets, we should slow down,children must play football in the street, it is very dangerous.We should try our best to stop these accidents happen....


以意愿为题写一篇文章不少600字每个人更需要不断学习、不断地给自己“充电”,写心得、灵感随手记下来,我在此之前的骄傲和自信从此荡然无存、力争每学期执教1~2节研究课,示范课,探究实用的课堂; 本人打算主要从...

以只有一个地球为题写一篇文章'我们这个地球太可爱了,同时又太容易破碎了!'这是宇航员遨游太空时发出的感叹。是啊,我们的地球的确太容易破碎了,在二十一世纪里,保护地球又成了一个摆在人类面前的新课题。 大...

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以学会改变为题写一篇文章请输入你的答案.. 我改变不了环境,但可以改变自已 因为年轻,所以会经历一些事情,比如爱情,友情,没有人能够永远快乐,幸福的过每一天,没 有人能够坦然的面对自已的坚强和软弱,让我们...

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需关于放慢脚步享受生活的英文文章Slow down your life paceIn present day China, many parents tend to cram their children's schedule with private English and math classes and artistic pursuits su...

以奔跑为题写一篇文章奔跑是一种速度,一种力 量. 一粒深埋在地下的种子,必须以生命的奔跑历经寒冬,冲破厚厚土层,才能将生命的绿意伸向蓝天.\x09 \x09 一滴小水珠,必须流入小溪'奔向江河‘汇入大海,才...

以阳光为题写一篇文章!让自己的心中充满阳光 人生如茶。刚泡上的头道茶,沸水一沏,茶香四溢,犹如人生初年,刚入尘世,味淡而清香;二三道茶犹如人生进入青壮年,拼搏进取,充满坎坷,其味浓烈醇厚;茶至数道,味淡而...
