

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[暑假日记100字60篇]1。 今日,晴,我的心情也是如此的,因为今天姐姐要带我去公园玩 我最喜欢姐姐了,每次去公园玩 都会跟我买好多好吃的 也不会阻止我玩游戏 在旋转木马上 我快乐的像只飞翔的小鸟 2...+阅读

Today morning has gotten down light rain, felt some too bad Thereupon I have studied for a morning in the home Afternoon, the rain has stopped, finished eating thefood, I then exited play

就给你提供一篇了.你上上搜暑假英语作文就行了.有好多.其实啊.老师跟本就不会检查.那么多人.能挨片检查你写的是关于什么的吗?老师就看一看你到底写了没有.暑假的不够就用其它的胡扯一下就行了 另外告诉你一下.其实有很多东西是可以在上搜出来的


I have to go English classes every Saturday and Sunday. although i want to enjoy my holidays, i know this is the thing i must try my best. the English classes let me know a lot about the western culture and life. some of them are quite different from the things here in our country. for example, how to have the soup? the soup in some foreign countries, such as France, is kind of solid. so what we should know is the way how we use the scoop. do you know this? find it out and have a try. (English classes) 我不得不在每个周六和周日去上英语课。尽管我想好好的过我的假期,但是我知道学英语这件事我是必须尽我最大的努力去做的事情。英语课程让我知道了很多西方的文化和生活事项。其中的一些和我们国家的是截然不同的。例如,如何喝汤?在某些西方国家,例如法国,他们的汤是有些类似固体状的。

所以我们应该知道正确使用勺子的方式(防止错误的把汤溅洒出来)。你知道这个文化差异点吗?把它找出来,然后自己试一试。 What the things we can do much more in vacation? of course, that is watching TV. and this day-offs the programs we watch the most are the sports matches. i like ping-pong most. which one do you love best? for the time with the games, my homework is far away from the real end. but you know, it's worth! now i'm making the efforts. how about you? do you have the same problem with me? aha~(watch TV) 什么事情在假期里我们能(光明正大的)做的更多?当然,是看电视。今年的假期我们看的最多的节目肯定是体育比赛。我最喜欢乒乓球。你最喜欢什么?和比赛一起度过的时光,我的作业明显的,离它结束的日子还很远。但是你知道的,它值得!现在我不就正在努力着嘛。



art exhibition Today,It's very interesting,I with my brother went to the art exhibition. In the art exhibition,I saw the many draw a portrait,It's very interesting,My favorite is the one painting the sky,It's very beautiful.painting is the blue bird days and there were clouds,what a wondeful ah,There many,many paintings,very beautiful. Today is a great day,Hope that also the case. 我帮你翻译一下啊 画展 今天,逢场的有趣,我和我弟弟一起去了画展。 在画展上,我看见了许多的画像,都很有趣。我最喜欢的是一幅天空的画,非常的美。画的是蔚蓝的天空和白云还有小鸟,多么美好啊。还有很多很多的画,都非常美的。 今天可真好啊,希望以后也如此。


暑假日记60篇100字篇一:单独在家 今天,爸爸妈妈要出去有事情,临走的时候,爸爸严厉地说:“小雨,你在家好好做作业。我回来的时候,你要写好一篇短文。”家里只剩下孤零零的我,一个人在家的味道真不好。...

求两篇英语作文题目是网上购物 100个词左右谢谢急急急!I believe that people in senior school should not shop online. Although it might be more convenient and easy to shop online, it also has its disadvantages. Firs...

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暑假日记400字20篇1 早晨,清脆的铃声把我从睡梦中惊醒,我和妈妈一起到东湖公园去晨练。 东湖公园的早晨一派生机勃勃,大家沐浴在晨风中,有的小孩蹦蹦跳跳的追赶着草地上的鸟儿,那些健壮的大人健步...

暑假日记20篇80字左右小学3年级暑假开始了,日记是必须要记的,长达50天的假期,日记成了必不可少的作业,呵呵,做吧。 第一天:夏日的太阳 早晨,太阳冉冉地升在东方上空,大地披上了红装。艳丽的云霞,承受着光,焕发着色彩...

暑假日记60篇50字1。 今日,晴,我的心情也是如此的,因为今天姐姐要带我去公园玩 我最喜欢姐姐了,每次去公园玩 都会跟我买好多好吃的 也不会阻止我玩游戏 在旋转木马上 我快乐的像只飞翔的小鸟2。...

帮忙写一篇暑假日记700字要有意义初中的谢啦各位亲你希望写哪方面的,给个方向。夏悄悄地躲到了一封没贴邮票的信笺里,带着她所有的激情和梦想。就在那秋天的梦里,我又看到了夏日的流星雨,无边无际,慢慢地滑向了世界的尽头。 秋在...

英语作文?60个词左右Recently,more and more middle school students are lost in playing computer. A part of them are fond of chatting online.Others like playing computer games.They p...

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