

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com


Earth is our mother.Without earth ,without life.It provides us with enough water,food,sunshine,mineral and so on,so please protect it ,protect our "mother",we can do it from little things such as saving water,planting trees and so on. So please do it right now,for ourselfs,for our younger generation.



Earth is our only home in universe.If we don't protect it from now on,we will have nowhere to go when the environment being ruin.Look at what we have done to our matherland. We let out too much exhaust gas that our atmosphere is no longer clear and health for breath.In many big cities,we can hardly see a bright blue sky. We use as much resourse as we can find,then turn them into rubbish.These rubbish is taken up more and more space in our planet. We also pollute water.Fishes and other beings are suffering to our mistakes.Some are died out,Some are dying out in future. All of us must do something to protect our earth. Take a bus instead of private car;use goods that are made of recycle material.Many ways we can take in daily life should do good for our better future. 地球是我们唯一的家在宇宙如果我们不保护它从现在起,我们将无处可去,当环境被破坏看看我们所做的一切都给我们的祖国。

我们发出太多的废气,我们的空气不再清晰和健康喘不过气来在许多大城市里,我们很难看到明亮的蓝色的天空。 我们用多少我们有资源,然后把它们变成垃圾这些垃圾占用越来越多的空间,在我们的星球。 我们也使水污染。鱼和其他的存有们的痛苦,我们的错误有些是绝种,一些正在消失的未来。 我们所有人都必须做些什么来保护我们的地球。乘公共汽车,而不是私人汽车,使用商品材质的回收材料许多方面我们可以在日常生活中应该做有益于我们的美好未来。


The energy of our country is not abundant. Our country is with a large population, evergy consumption is large. Some of the energy is non-renewable. That means they cannot be renewed or replenished. Once they are gone they cannot be used again. So, we must all do our part in saving as much energy as we can. In our home, we can save energy by turning off appliances, TVs and radios that are not being used, watched or listened to. We can turn off lights when no one is in the room.To make all of our newspapers, aluminum cans, plastic bottles and other goods takes lots of energy. Recycling these items-grinding them up and reusing the material again-uses less energy than it takes to make them from brand new, raw material. So, we must recycle as much as we can.


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