
用英语教科书第四单元section b的3b中的短语写英语作文

02月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[[英语四级作文]教科书有益的特征]Write a passage with the words given: textbooks, school, levels, kinds, purpose, learn, therefore, features, information, contents, parts, page, understand, div...+阅读

Dear uncle,

I got my report card today.Luckily I did well in the exam this time.To my surprise,my best report was from my math teacher.He said I was hard-working and I found math really interesting.But a disappointing result was in history.My history teacher said I could do better.The worst report was from my science teacher.He said I was a lazy student.In fact,I found it difficult.The good news is that my Spanish teacher said my speaking was very good.

Well,that's about all the news I have for now.Mom and Dad send their love.



八年级下册英语人教版新目标 Unit 4作文

八年级英语下册P30页: 参考答案一: Dear Bob, I got my report card today.Well, I did OK this time. I was very glad to hear that my math teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said I was good at speaking. However, I still had some troubles in learning history and science. My history said I could do better, and my science teacher said I was a lazy student. In a word, I think I need to study hard in the next semester. Yours, Scott 参考答案二: Dear uncle, I got my report card today. Luckily I did well in the exam this time. To my surprise, my best report was from my math teacher. He said I was hard-working and I found math really interesting. But a disappointing result was in history. My history teacher said I could do better. The worst report was from my science teacher. He said I was a lazy student. In fact, I found it difficult. The good news is that my Spanish teacher said my speaking was very good. Well, that's about all the news I have for now. Mom and Dad send their love. Love, Scott 参考答案三: Dear mother, I got my report card today. My math teacher said that I was hard working. My Spanish teacher said I was good at speaking. My history is not so good. The teacher said I should do better. My science teacher said I was a lazy student.I 'll have to try harder at science. Yours, Scott 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)


ok,now everybody please pays attention to my speech。 next leoson is listening-talking 。we will go to anther classroom,so here are some attention。 first,you should enter the classroom two minutes earlier 。otherwise,only the text book is allowed to carry in。what's more,use computers without the teacher's permission is against the rules。you only allowed to speak english ,there is no chinese in the class for it is an english class。besides,you must turn off the computer before you left。after doing so,you should leave the classroom one by one。 ok,that's all,is there anyone do not understand?



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