

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写体育活动的英语作文]Your "basketball rare items" under active figure, several groups of running needless to say, must be the love of basketball boys. Dark brown basketball seems to b...+阅读

Recently I made a survey of senior 3 students on physical training. Only 35% of the surveyed students do sports.

There are many reasons for this. Half of the students say they have too much homework and have not enough time

to do exercise. 30% of them complain that they have no places where they can relax themselves and that there are

not enough training facilities. 10% feel that they live too far away from the places and some even don't know how

to take exercise. Because of lack of physical activities, many students are in poor health. We should realize the

importance of taking exercise, and measures should be taken to improve the present situation. It would be greatly

appreciated that our government and social organizations as well could offer some financial


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