

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初一作文800字课间.分班]初中的设计规划每一项都挺好的,唯有——课间的时间——太短了!听我来给你倒倒苦水。 初中,天哪!别跟我提这档子事!上了初中本来我很高兴,认为初中的老师比小...+阅读

My holiday Jack I have a very cheerful holiday in “The National Day”. My parent and I went to Shanghai about nine days ago. We got there by plane, I think that shanghai must be a very big city, and there are a lot of tall buildings. First we went into the hotel named”chuang ye”. And we saw the tall big building “Shanghai TV Tower”, at nine in the evening, we got back to the hotel. The second day, we visited Zhouzhuang. It's very beautiful and the air was good, I bought my favorite toy : weapons. I like them very much. Shanghai's food tasted good. Today we are very happy and tired, so we slept early in the night. The third day however, we didn't go anywhere, we stayed in the hotel until late in the afternoon. In the evening, we came back to Tianjin by plane to. This travel was fantastic!


勇气让我初一作文急急急!要原创勇气让我成长 关于勇气是什么这个问题?勇气是你有两块糖却能留一块到明天;勇气是和别人吵架后你先去讲和;勇 气是你有一大秘密却答应谁也不说;勇气是犯了错要会改正,勇气是犯了错...

初一英语作文!急!我的孩子数学英语学得不好,想找一个教师晚上给他补课,必须能在晚上工作的中学教师,年龄在20~40岁之间,热爱孩子、工作勤恳,每晚两小时、每小时30-40元。联系电话:555-3699. My chi...

关于一篇肚子疼的英语作文急急急急急急急急急急急初一水平I have a friend. His name is John. He likes eating ice cream very much, so he often has stomchache. I tell him to see a doctor and not to eat so much ice cream....

我的新老师初一作文 400字急急急!开学的第一天,吕老师成了我们的班主任。 她有一个新时代的娃娃脸,上面有这水灵灵的眼睛,高耸的鼻梁,樱桃似的小嘴。她胖胖的身材引起了我的注意,胖胖的身材上有几块“肥肉”,就连...

美丽的错误 600字初一作文急急急急急!!你藏在电话本的某个角落里,我一页页地翻过去,最终漏掉你,可是心依旧停泊在那里。 拿起话筒又放下——窗外依旧阴晴不定。 岁月像悠远的长空,我们的友谊像飘忽的云,长空里的风只轻...

初一语文作文超急急急!抓住人物特征抓住细节来写 比如朱志清背影父亲爬月台买橘子就是细节描写,动作和语言描写,非常经典,请参考: 我说道:“爸爸,你走吧。”他往车外看了看说:“我买几个桔子去。你就在此...

要一篇关于大象的英语作文初一水平! 60词急急急!Today, i came to the Xiangjiang Zoo. There are many cute and interested animals. i like them, especially the elephant that comes from Myanmar. His name is Zhuan...

初一水平作文:难忘那的眼神急急急!难忘那忧伤的目光 我曾与一只可怜的小鸟不期而遇[注: 期:约定时间。没有约定而遇见。指意外碰见。]。它那忧伤的目光令我终身难忘。 我是在马路边发现它的。那可爱的容颜因斑...

初一作文心灵的储蓄700字马上要急急急急急急急又一次在心中,那熟悉的体温,熟悉的香味,熟悉的动作在我心中奔跑…… 她是我的朋友,亦是心中最亲的姐姐,大我一岁,却因为家境的原因比我小一年级,她常常在我最伤心时用她冰冷的手拖...
