

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com



Six years of primary school time flows in a hurry to go, in this season, the cool goldwind I enter the school gate, jincheng understanding.

According to divide into classes list and find my own class 172 class. Walk to the door of the classroom, there is a strange and hard to ponder the fear. Faced the never familiar faces, constraint is inevitable, on the first day is literally take a seat, oh! Finally found my old acquaintance (primary school) the two of us sit sit at the same table, things to talk about. After two days of preschool education, I fully understand the school and the class, the people around you also gradually from strangers into friends.

Exchanged seats we on the third day, I'm in row 5, everyone around him is very good, the lively open and bright, laughing. After a week of exchanges, to have a profound understanding of each other.

Our teacher is strict in showing kindness, mercy, and with tough, a sincerely want to build our teacher, how can we live up to his expectations for us, this is precisely what a class? The answer is revealed...



我的新班级作文600字蒋佳怡, 成长,就像一条小路,在路上,你也许会遇到波折,会遇到风雨,会伤心难过,但在这条路上也总会遇到一些在自己最无助的时候帮助你的人。 那是一次***,因为转到一个新的班级,一切都...


我的新班级作文1000字我的班级非常……非常……非常……非常……(搞什么呢?)非常……非常(呃,我想不出词啦)……算啦! 我们班的男生有嗯……22个,女生也有22个,我们全班一共44个人。我们班男生简直就是气...

初中作文我的新班级 500字多的没找到 又少的 参考下吧 新学校,新面貌,新生活,新同学,新老师…… 总之,一切都是新的。刚刚升入中学的我还有些好奇,总觉得新环境的新东西太多了,真还有些适应不了。不过,我相信...

初中作文我的新班级 500字急金秋九月,带着几分新奇,几分梦想,我步入了涪陵十四中。一切都是崭新的,新环境,新同学,新老师,新班级,给了我新的憧憬。面对此情此境,何不把我们的新希望,我们的新追求寄托在一个新的班...

六年级作文我的新班级 500字以上也可提纲谢谢了我来到了我的班级,说实话,我对这里并不看好,因为这里吵吵闹闹的。我挑了一个位置,可是那张桌子好花啊。老师点了我做学习委员,我挺高兴的,上课的第一天我要给他们一个下马威,努力地...



高二英语作文100词Today is the twelfth month of the lunar year of twenty-eight, soon have the Spring Festival, hair cut, yesterday went to the barber shop, but a lot of people, t...
