

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[汉译英一篇英语作文:司马光砸缸]One day, Sima Guang was playing hide and seek with several children. One of them was looking for a place to hide himself. As there was a large pot near to them,...+阅读

MPA is Master of Public management Master (Public Administration (English abbreviations), is designed for the government and nongovernmental Public organization with the modern Public economy theory and Public management theory and Public policy, advanced analysis method and technique, proficient in a specific areas of specialization of policy and complex, practical high-level leaders, managers and policy analysis of professional degree.Public management as a modern management science, is one of four branches in the world and the future of contemporary Chinese most potential and broad prospects in contemporary China. With the development of economy and the deepening of the reform of and the construction of a harmonious society, and the role of public administration for society, MPA. Practice proved to public sector public education and professional qualities and management abilities played a tremendous role of ascension. At the same time, MPA education, and continuous development.As a university student, through learning, not only the further understanding of the theoretical knowledge, improve mpa of public management, and strengthening the consciousness of their practice ability, the work for the school work efficiency, orderly, sustainable development, promote play an active role in the habit of thinking skill and multi-dimensional. Therefore, in the future, will pay more attention to the theoretical study, and job, educational development for our contribution.


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