

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以变化为题写一篇作文]变化 走在两旁站满枫树的小路上,心是平静的;树枝上的枫叶还没有红,依旧是散发着它那特有的绿色的甜美气息,让人陶醉、迷恋。微风吹拂着我的头发,感到一切都那么自然、恬静。我喜...+阅读

Remember - Forget

Everything could happen in this world . But there's two kinds of things for us . The one ,should be remember forever . The other , should be forgetten forever.

Almost every mothers love their son . The mothers' love is one of the thing should be remember forever , it cannot be bought by money . For this , we should study hard to thank our mother .It's really she did many thing for us . The second thing we should remember is the friendship. Are you still remember who helped you at school?Who lent you erasers and rulers?Who played computer games with you? Yes , the unswer is "your friends". Wherever you are , you always meet somebody helpful .And they always help you many things as they can . The man who did those thing is your friend.And there's a magic between you and them —— the friendship.It's one of the things can make you happy ,and deal with problems you cannot do by yourself. There's not only the mothers' love , the friendship should be remember by us , there's many many things we cannot talk in words.

What should be forgetten ? I think we should forget the sad . Many times , some bad things may happen to us ... If we feel sad and do nothing . It might going to more and more worse. Forgeting the sad , being strong.The second thing we should forget is the hatred.We should not see anyone as enemy.If we do this , there won't have wars in the world , you know , the war killed many people. All the thing bad for us should be forgetten in fact .

There're many things we should remember and forget , so we should know what is important , what is useless , what is good , what is bad . And we could go straight the way of the life relaxy and successfully.

原创,欢迎借鉴!^ ^


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