

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[200字作文周末的作文200字]星期六,我和爸爸、妈妈、叔叔、阿姨、还有小表弟去狼牙山避暑。 到了狼牙山,我们先找到了空地喝健力宝,爸爸和叔叔们在打牌,我和妈妈、阿姨、小表弟去爬山。山上的空气真清新,我...+阅读

More and more college students are now renting apartments outside campus instead of living in students dorm.The main reason for this would be students have more freedom staying outside campus as some campus have curfew and rules and regulations that students have to follow. For example, if there is a study group, students wont be able to stay up late outside the residential area due to the curfew. Besides, it will be inconsiderate to stay up late and roaming around the residential since there are still other students. Furthermore, if the students are flatting together,they can easily get an affordable apartment which sometimes might even be cheaper than the campus' rent. In the modern days, internet is a compulsory. It is undeniable that the campus internet access is limited and slow to respond. By renting apartments with internet lines, the speed to roam the net is a lot faster and there is no sustain from visiting websites. These are the reasons why students prefer to stay outside campus rather than inside campus.


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