

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[模仿初二课文观潮写一篇200字的作文]例文 在古老的苏州城边,有个恬静的小镇,名唤周庄。那里盛产鱼虾,广泛种植水稻,是江南有名。的"鱼米之乡"。那里以舟代步,很少看到宽敞的路面,却可以看到许许多多的船家,举着一根半长...+阅读

I want to invent a new kind of eco-car.

First of all, it is designed forprotection of ourenvironment. It uses carbon dioxide to become fuel and blows out oxygen to start the engine;as a result,I believe the air in Beijing will become fresher.

In the case of an earthquake, when it comes to a cliff, it will change into a helicopter; when it comes to a river formed by floods, it will change into a boat; when it comes to a muddy puddle, as often seen in Beijing in rainy days, it will become a car withcaterpillar tracks.

Maybe at the moment, it is just my idea, but I do believe more and more innovations will be introduced!


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