

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我家的年味作文]“爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。”在这一声声整耳欲聋 的爆竹声中,我们再一次迎来了令我们期待的春节。这一回,我就 来讲一讲我们浙江的风俗吧。 NO.1吃 在大年三十的年夜饭...+阅读

My family's fruits

My family has a fruit farm. There are all kinds of fruits on the farm .Such as apples. bananas. pears. peaches ... When they grow up ,you can see many fruits sitting in the trees. If you come here ,you will turn happy.

we live on them. We can eat lots of fruits every year. What kind of fruits do you want? Please come my family.


题目为我家的周边环境的英语作文和我的快乐一天英语作文带翻译It was sunny and warm today. I went to the beach near my home with my best friend Jim. It took us twenty minutes to get there by bike. We walked on the beach, p...


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初中英语作文我家!Everyone has a home , and everyone will love his own home , therefore , I am no exception . Home , to give people a warm feeling , confident people , cheer up f...

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