

02月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初一学生英语期中考试反思500字不是作文是反思急用!]我想对自己说:成绩与理想 首先,考前准备不充分是原因之一,在月考的前几个晚上,我也很努力的复习着,但学习的效率似乎并不是很高,总是时间过了一大半,复习到的知识点却很少,并且掌握...+阅读

dear editor, my name is li hua, i'm a builder. i found some cultural relics when i was laying a foundation. some people advised me to sell them so that i can get much money to change my life. but i disagreed. in my opinion, the cultural relics are a kind of wealth of our country, not mine. if i sell them, i'll be against the law, and our country will be damaged. so i think i should show them to the government. also they can be saved by the national museum. sincerely, li hua . dear editor, how are you? my name is li hua. i am a builder. i have something to tell you. i found some cultural relics when i was laying a foundation. i was very surprised. i don't know what to do. some people advised me to sell them so that i can earn a great deal of money. but i didn't agree. i don't think they are mine i think i should send them to the government. do you think so? i wish more and more people could protect cultural relics. best wishes! li hua dear editor, my name is li hua. i'm a builder .i'm really happy as i found some ancient cultural relics when i laid a foundation several days ago. i'm very excited but i don't know how to deal with these. some people suggest that we sell them. in that way, i could get some money, but i disagreed. i think cultural relics are our country's wealth, we should protect them. in my opinion, we should give them to our country. i think it is the best way to protect these cultural relics. yours, li hua. dear editor, my name is li hua. i'm a builder. when i laying a foundation lately i found several cultural relics .i'm amazed. some people advised me to sell them so that i could achieve some money. but i don't think so. in my opinion ,the cultural relics are an important part of our country's culture. if i sell them, it will be a big lose for our country. so i decided to tell the government, because the wealth belongs to everyone. i believe the government will take good care of them. do you think so? yours, li hua. 这里有几篇,不知可否


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