

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[长方体和正方体的手工做法步骤用卡纸]1. 长方体:画出长方体的展开图【展开图:六个面,相对的面部相邻(如,左面和右面中间必须有一个前或后、上、下面)】,按线条剪下,将六个面黏上。 2.正方体:和长方体做法大致一样,画出正...+阅读

1。 Technology made communication a whole lot easier。 With things such as internet we can now talk to our family and friends on the other side of earth。 2。 Technology made transportation a lot quicker, with vehicles like planes and jets we can now go anywhere we want much faster。 3。 With high technology we can now achieve what human workers alone cannot。 Machines can go where humans can't(e。 g。 undersea), plus, they do the work better than humans, too。4。 Technology means convenience, while machine helps us do our work, and our time is being saved, and we can spend that time on more meaningful things。 -------------------那个,我就不打翻译了啊。。。要的话给我发消息。


长方体和正方体用卡纸的手工做法的步骤1、长方体:画出长方体的展开图【展开图:六个面,相对的面部相邻(如,左面和右面中间必须有一个前或后、上、下面)】,按线条剪下,将六个面黏上。 2、正方体:同长方体,记住六个面一样大。...

如图所示是一列用若干根火柴棒摆成的由正方形组成的图案 1完(1)按如图的方式摆放,每增加1个正方形火花图案,火柴棒的根数相应地增加3根, 若摆成5个、6个、n个同样大小的正方形火花图案,则相应的火柴棒的根数分别是16根、19根、(3n+1)根. 正...
