

03月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[比较经典的英语句子想被爱的时候有人来爱你]1、One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you tryhard to fet are a...+阅读


God puts dreams in our hearts. So, we must dream. We lose our sorrows and heartaches in dreams. And we live our fantasies in dreams. Some dreams are aborted while some e true.


Most mornings, Id sit by the Lake in my neighborhood just to witness the awesomeness of God; to be marveled at what Mother Nature is about to unfold... to shower us with her magnificence. The squirrels too gather by the edge of the Lake. The birds float effortlessly, circling the Lake in a beautiful ballet. The gators stand in awe. Yes, the gators! The lees on the trees would suddenly stop their slow dance. Just like me, they are patiently awaiting for the grand entrance of the sun. The moon must go. Yes, the moon must go... to make room for the sun to rise. The sound of the gentle breeze is soothing, almost musical. I am filled with joy. I cannot describe the feeling of this awesomeness. Youd he to experience it to understand the feeling and joy of it. I know I am about to witness an amazing grace. So... I am silent. My spirit is at peace. The stage has been set. Behind those clouds, the sun awaits... waiting for the heenly mand. The ritual is in full bloom. Then I see a slice of sunlight, wafting through the clouds. Suddenly, the entire horizon is brightened, and the sun finally takes the center stage. Right there, I am still... humbled... to listen to God speak into my soul. When Hes done, then, I share with Him all that my heart desires.


Now, heres my personal dream story:


Eight years ago, a young couple very dear to my heart had a miscarriage after being attacked by armed robbers in their home. They were newly weds. They share the kind of love that makes one want to give love a second chance. Why? They truly love each other and, they take God on board with them in all that they do.


I am your typical all-year-round-positive-kinda-girl. But, it doesnt mean I do not he my down moments. I stay positive and thankful because I know theres a reason for every season. Since the couple had that miscarriage, they felt empty. For awhile, they wondered if God had abandoned them. They fasted and prayed. They cried. They isolated themselves from family and friends. Basically, they were existing, and not living. They trelled far and wide, spending all their resources, seeing different OBGYNs. Nothing worked.


One day, I called them to say hello. The wife sounded like someone had died. When I asked, she said, I am fine. Nobody died. Just tired. When I spoke with her husband, he shared with me that she had just seen her period, menstrual period, that is. I asked him if I could speak with her again. I believe till this day that it was the grace of God that led me to make that phone call. It was time to share my one dream with her.


For eight years, I always had same dream, You were in it. You were always nursing a child while rocking him/her in a rocking chair. In the dream, there was always a celebration happening...like a Christening, and you were in it, with your husband by your side. She was silent. I had to share some life lessons with her. I also had to remind her that she must never allow her faith to be shaken, instead, it should be renewed with each sunrise because God is Hope.


I read somewhere that when Life breaks us, We are only broken to be made whole. Therefore, we must strive not to fall apart.


I shared this dream with my mother. And each time, we got excited together and submitted this dream of mine to God in prayers and in songs of praise, after all, God is just a prayer away. And God sure loves to be praised.


Many moons ago, I remember waking up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat. I was woken up by a sharp pain in my stomach. I had a dream. This time, I was the one pregnant. I went down on my knees in total submission to the Will of God...asking Him for my one dream to e true. And no, I did not wish to be pregnant (Laughs).



I do know one thing for sure: Dreams really do e true when you believe in your dreams, when you give God something to work with (doing your part), and when you believe in and trust God.


God finally granted me the dream of my heart. This winter, this man and wife are expecting their first child.


When I received this great news, I was not surprised. The awesomeness of God is immeasurable. I am always in total submission to His Will. I believed this dream was going to e true at Gods own time. And, this is Gods time. For this, I am most thankful and humbled by this amazing grace.



I just went through a very tough time of my life.


And the improbable unfolding of recent events has lead me to consider that no one thing is one thing only.


People keep defining whats familiar with new, ever-evolving meanings.


By doing so, we release ourselves from the expected, the familiar, into something unforeseen.


And it is in this unfamilar realm that we find new possibilities.


It is in the unknown that we find hope.


Some people kept learning hard for a time in their life, but then they decided that theyve known what they need to know.


They developed a mental immune system.


They refuse to accept anything which this system finds unsettling.


Sometimes they even attack when they see such things.


They he stopped evolving.


And sometimes I even found myself doing similar things.


So Im actually writing all this to make myself remember that the search for knowledge is an endless path.


Lets be each others reminder, my friend.


Keep learning.


Keep evolving.


Keep being humble and hungry.



When we try new things,


there is always the risk that we will not be happy with our choice,


we might try a food we he never tried before and end up disliking it.


It could be too sour or too salty.


It could be too spicy.


We might try a new sport like snowboarding and end up falling down a lot.


We might try a new style of music and get a headache.


We might check out a different kind of art and be totally disappointed.


We might try to speak or write a different language and end up embarrassing ourselves.


Who wants that? Sounds risky to me.


But if we take the risk, we might try a new food and end up loving it.


It could be sweet or he a great flor.


It could be an experience that makes our taste buds feel like they are in heen.


We might try a new sport and fall down but we get back up and eventually experience exhilaration, even for a minute.


We might see why people love that sport so much.


We might try a new kind of music and regret that we didnt discover it sooner.


We might see a new kind of art and be amazed.


We might try to write or speak a different language,


and we might be a little embarrassed as first;


but we dont let it bother us too much because we know that the only way to improve is to make mistakes and keep on practicing.


I say: Try a new food.


Try a new activity. Try to listen to some new music.


Walk into a gallery, just on a whim, and look around.


Try writing and speaking that other language more.


Try making some new friends.


There are some risks involved, but I know there are rewards too.



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