
经典英文诗歌:How I Love You..

12月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[现代爱国诗歌祖国的爱无边]中秋节的期盼 一直在耳边往返 你的彼岸 是母亲慈祥的脸 如今母亲已走过春秋六十三年 从没有离开过对你的眷恋 在那遥远 遥远 坚信游子的帆船 一定能驶向大海的这边 多少年...+阅读

I can't tell a soul

I love you

though my heart begs me to.

Every romantic song reminds me of you,

and every time I see a happy couple

I wish they were you and me.

Sometimes I write your name

and stare at it wistfully

as I imagine how great

our lives together would be...

but I can't tell a soul

I love you.

I can't even tell you.

I wrote a poem about you,

trying to express the depth of my emotion,

hoping to make you understand

the breadth of my devotion,

but the words were not enough.

I couldn't explain

how strongly I feel about you;

I couldn't describe

the volatile mix of joy and pain,

because I can't tell a soul

I love you.

Sometimes I feel like my need to see you

is consuming me inside,

and sometimes when I think about you

I tremble...

my love for you is never easy to hide.

I called my best friend

to explain how much I love you...

but the words stalled on my tongue,

and again, I had to pretend...

because I can't tell a soul

I love youI sat on the beach

and drew a heart in the sand

while I thought about you.

I imagined the joy of being with you,

of simply holding your hand.

I wanted to find you;

I wanted to tell you how much I love you,

and that I would always love you

no matter what you do.

As the tide dashed in to steal the heart

and carry it off to the sea

where it would remain for eternity,

I decided that I can never tell you

I love you,

but I will always try to show you.


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