

05月13日 编辑 39baobao.com


Ugly duckling illustrated, many tribulations into a white swan, it is because it has a dream of mind. It supports dream. In fact, no trajectory fate lies in the realm of beautiful, beautiful pursuit of ideals. The frustration and pain of life is inevitable, they should learn to walk the feet. Every child will have a dream of their own, as long as they learn to establish life goals, self-confidence, self-improvement, Independence grow up, they will really struggle through the original can also become aware of their "white swan" like the ugly duckling can achieve the same dream in the heart. Yamama ugly duckling was hatched from an egg to the large, ugly, and no one like him, many ducks and animals were bullied. He has no choice but to stay away from his father and mother, stray alone, encountered stormy weather, Audi, a doberman…… but ugly duckling no fear, he fought tenaciously, study hard…… end of the day, people suddenly discover that the world's most ugly duckling into a beautiful white swan! Every child has his own dream, but the dream has to go through hard work and struggle. "ugly duckling" told us a story. (丑小鸭历经千辛万苦、重重磨难之后变成了白天鹅,那是因为它心中有着梦想,梦想支撑着它。

命运其实没有轨迹,关键在于对美好境界、美好理想的追求。人生中的挫折和痛苦是不可避免的,要学会把它们踩在脚下,每个孩子都会有一份属于自己的梦想,只要他们学会树立生活目标,在自信、自强、自立中成长,通过拼搏他们会真正的认识到自己原来也可以变成“白天鹅”,也可以像丑小鸭一样实现心中的梦想。 丑小鸭是被鸭妈妈从特大蛋里孵出来的,但很丑,谁都不喜欢他,被许多鸭子和动物欺负。他无奈离开了爸爸妈妈,独自流浪,遇到狂风暴雨、猛狮、猎狗……但丑小鸭没有畏惧,他顽强拼搏,努力学习……最终,人们突然发现,丑小鸭变成了世界上最美丽的白天鹅! 每个孩子都有自己的梦想,但实现梦想,要经过拼搏,努力,奋斗,《丑小鸭》就告诉我们这样一个故事。)


Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went tofanjingshanby bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Jill, don't do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happ...



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