

03月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[搞笑幽默的英语的小故事]英语幽默故事:大脑袋All the kids make fun of methe boy cried to his mother。They say I he a big head有的孩子都拿我开玩笑,小男孩哭着跟妈妈说:他们说我长了一个大脑D...+阅读

Long long ago there was a bad king.All of his people hated him. One hot day he was taking a walk along a river when he decided to have a swim in it.He was a good swimmer,but while he was in the river,he suddenly felt ill,and was nearly die。At that time two farmers were working in the field nearby,they came over,jumped into the river,and he was saved.They didn't know who he was until they pulled him out of the water. The king was happy.He said to the two farmers,"Ask for anything,and I'll give it to you.I'm the richest in the world.And today you have saved my life." "Don't tell anybody that we have saved you."


大概来说,讲的是一堆从大学步入社会的年轻人的事情,因为最开始似乎是在杂志上连载,所以在故事结构上,比较类似于室内轻喜剧——人物形象鲜明(甚至夸张),中间不停折腾,各种交叉互动,最后收尾也算勉强收住;但由于郭的写作风格,时不时也会出现比较夸张(虐)的高潮(参考之前的梦里、夏至等作品)。 故事内容主要是主要是四个闺蜜与各自男友、冤家、父母、上司等人的互动,包括贵族学校的生活、家族企业的兴衰等等。 至于大多数人物所设定的“有钱”背景,其实也可以善意地仅仅理解为故事的背景而已,所有小说中的人物都会基于作者给定的背景来做出对应的行为举止,这一点上无论是《百年孤独》还是《小时代》都是一样的。(亲,我回答了你的问题,如果你很满意,请点击“有用”,如果不满意,你可以追问我。



陈景润不爱玩公园,不爱逛马路,就爱学习.学习起来,常常忘记了吃饭睡觉. 有一天,陈景润吃中饭的时候,摸摸脑袋,哎呀,头发太长了,应该快去理一理,要不,人家看见了,还当他是个姑娘呢.于是,他放下饭碗,就跑到理发店去了. 理发店里人很多,大家挨着次序理发.陈景润拿的牌子是三十八号的小牌子.他想:轮到我还早着哩.时间是多么宝贵啊,我可不能白白浪费掉.他赶忙走出理发店,找了个安静的地方坐下来,然后从口袋里掏出个小本子,背起外文生字来.他背了一会,忽然想起上午读外文的时候,有个地方没看懂.不懂的东西,一定要把它弄懂,这是陈景润的脾气.他看了看手表,才十二点半.他想:先到图书馆去查一查,再回来理发还来得及,站起来就走了.谁知道,他走了不多久,就轮到他理发了.理发员叔叔大声地叫:“三十八号!谁是三十八号?快来理发!”你想想,陈景润正在图书馆里看书,他能听见理发员叔叔喊三十八号吗? 过了好些时间,陈景润在图书馆里,把不懂的东西弄懂了,这才高高兴兴地往理发店走去.可是他路过外文阅览室,有各式各样的新书,可好看啦.又跑进去看起书来了,一直看到太阳下山了,他才想起理发的事儿来.他一摸口袋,那张三十八号的小牌子还好好地躺着哩.但是他来到理发店还有啥用呢,这个号码早已过时了.


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