

03月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[《傲慢与偏见》中英经典语录]Some people even did not intend to do bad things, can in fact it can still do wrong, misery consequences. Every careless and dont see other peoples well-intenti...+阅读

Miss Elizabeth. Elizabeth小姐 [68:42.89]l have struggled in vain and l can bear it no longer. 我不断地想克制自己 但实在撑不下去了 [68:45.16]These past months have been a torment. 过去的几个月实在是一种煎熬 我来Rosings只是为了见你 [68:47.23]l came to Rosings with the single object of seeing you. [68:49.33]l had to see you. [68:50.57]l have fought against my better judgment, my family's expectation... 我与自我判断 家庭期望 [68:53.40]the inferiority of your birth, my rank and circumstance... 你低微的出身 我自己的身份相抗争 [68:55.61]all these things, and l'm willing to put them aside and ask you... 我把它们弃之一旁 请求你能结束我的痛苦 [68:58.08]to end my agony. - 我不明白 - 我爱你 [68:59.11]l don't understand. l love you. [69:04.65]Most ardently. 满怀深情 [69:09.72]Please do me the honor of accepting my hand. 真诚地希望你能接受我的求婚 [69:15.33]Sir, l appreciate the struggle you have been through... 先生 我钦佩你曾历经挣扎 [69:19.33]and l am very sorry to have caused you pain. 很抱歉 我给你带来了痛苦 [69:22.10]Believe me, it was unconsciously done. 那完全是无意造成的 [69:25.60]ls this your reply? Yes, sir. - 这就是你的回答? - 是的 先生 [69:27.47]Are you laughing at me? - 你在嘲笑我? - 不 [69:30.31]No. Are you rejecting me? 你在拒绝我? [69:31.61]l'm sure that the feelings which, as you've told me... 我相信 以前使你未能向我表白的顾虑 现在一定能让你克制住这种好感 [69:33.61]have hindered your regard will help you in overcoming it. [69:37.45]Might l ask why... 也许我可以请教一下 我为什么遭到如此无礼的拒绝? [69:38.62]with so little endeavor at civility, l am thus repulsed? [69:40.79]And l might as well enquire why... 我也想请问一下 你为什么非要告诉我 你是违背自己的判断而喜欢我的? [69:42.29]with so evident a design of insulting me... [69:44.12]you chose to tell me that you liked me... [69:45.29]against your better judgment! No, believe me-- 如果我当真无礼 难道不也有情可原 [69:46.82]lf l was uncivil, then that is some excuse! [69:48.73]But l have other reasons. You know l have. - 但你知道我有其他理由 - 什么理由? [69:50.39]What reasons? 难道你认为我会去爱一个也许毁了 [69:51.70]Do you think that anything might tempt me to accept the man... [69:54.20]who has ruined, perhaps forever... 我最心爱的姐姐的终身幸福的人吗? [69:55.70]the happiness of a most beloved sister? [69:59.00]Do you deny it, Mr. Darcy? 你敢说你没干吗? Darcy先生 你拆散了一对相爱的恋人[70:01.64]That you separated a young couple who loved each other... [70:04.14]exposing your friend to the center of the world for caprice... 使你朋友被指责为朝三暮四 [70:06.48]and my sister to its derision for disappointed hopes. 我姐姐被讥笑为痴心妄想 [70:09.65]And involving them both in misery of the acutest kind? 害得他们痛苦至极 [70:11.68]l do not deny it. - 我不否认 [70:14.19]How could you do it? - 你怎么能这么做? [70:15.25]Because l believed your sister indifferent to him. - 我认为你姐姐对他无动于衷 - 无动于衷? [70:17.15]lndifferent? [70:18.22]l watched them most carefully... - 我意识到他已经一往情深 - 那是因为她害羞! [70:19.36]and realized his attachment was deeper than hers. [70:20.96]That's because she's shy. [70:22.16]Bingley, too, is modest... Bingley也是 他也明白你姐姐对他没意思 [70:23.16]and was persuaded she didn't feel strongly for him. [70:24.76]Because you suggested it. l did it for his own good. - 是因为你说的 - 我是为了他好 [70:26.86]My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me! 我姐姐对我都很少表现她的真情 [70:34.41]l suppose you suspect that his fortune had some bearing-- 我想你是因为 怕我姐姐是为了他的财产? [70:37.71]No! l wouldn't do your sister the dishonor! 我绝没有把你姐姐说成那样 [70:39.31]Though it was suggested-- What was? - 我只是说... - 说什么? [70:42.05]lt was made perfectly clear that an advantageous marriage-- 这是桩门不当户不对的婚姻 [70:44.48]Did my sister give that impression? No! No! - 我姐姐给你这种印象? - 不! [70:47.25]No. There was, however, l have to admit, the matter of your family. - 不 是因为 怎么说 你们家人... - 我们想攀关系? Bingley先生似乎不是很介意 [70:49.75]Our want of connection? [70:50.89]Mr. Bingley didn't seem to vex himself about that. [70:52.76]No, it was more than that. How, sir? - 不 不仅仅是这样 - 那是怎样? 先生 [70:54.06]lt was the lack of propriety... 因为你母亲和你妹妹的不成体统 有时候连你的父亲也再所难免 [70:55.19]shown by your mother, your three younger sisters... [70:57.06]even, on occasion, your father. [70:58.70][thunder rumbling] [71:02.40]Forgive me. 请原谅我 [71:05.37]You and your sister l must exclude from this. 你和你姐姐当然排...


Elizabeth Bennet: I thought you were in London. 伊丽莎白:我原以为你在伦敦。 Mr. Darcy: No... No. I'm not. 达西:不...不,我不在那。 Jane Bennet: Yes. A thousand times yes. 简:是的,一千次说是的。 Caroline Bingley: I can't help thinking that at some point someone is going to produce a piglet and we'll all have to chase it. 卡罗琳:我忍不住不去想在某个地方某人也许会弄出一直小猪来,我们都必须去追逐它。 Caroline Bingley: Goodness, did you walk here Miss Bennet? 卡罗琳:谢天谢地,你是在这儿散步吗本尼特小姐? Elizabeth Bennet: I did. 伊丽莎白:是的。 Caroline Bingley: Charles. You cannot be serious. 卡罗琳:查尔斯。你不能这么严肃。 Jane Bennet: He is just what a young man ought to be. 简:他只是一个年轻人通常会这么做的。 Charlotte Lucas: Mr. Collins and I are engaged. 夏洛特:科林斯先生和我订婚了。

Elizabeth Bennet: Engaged? 伊丽莎白:订婚? Charlotte Lucas: Yes. 夏洛特:是的。 Elizabeth Bennet: To be married? 伊丽莎白:就要结婚了? Charlotte Lucas: Yes, Lizzie, what other kind of engaged is there? Oh, for heaven's sake, Lizzie, don't look at me like that. There is no earthly reason why I shouldn't be as happy with him as any other. 夏洛特:是的,丽滋,难道还有别的订婚吗?哦,老天保佑,丽滋,不要那样看着我。并没有任何世俗的理由,为什么我不能和别人一样和他在一起幸福。 Elizabeth Bennet: But he's ridiculous. 伊丽莎白:但是他很可笑。 Charlotte Lucas: Oh hush. 夏洛特:哦闭嘴。 Mr. Darcy: I love you. Most ardently. Please do me the honor of accepting my hand. 达西先生:我爱你。最热烈地。请接受我的手。 Elizabeth Bennet: Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain. Believe me, it was unconsciously done. 伊丽莎白:先生,我很欣赏你经历过的挣扎,并且我很抱歉引起你的伤痛。

相信我,这些都是无意而为的。 Mr. Darcy: Is this your reply? 达西先生:这就是你的回答? Elizabeth Bennet: Yes, sir. 伊丽莎白:是的,先生。 Mr. Darcy: Are you... are you laughing at me? 达西先生:你是...你是在嘲笑我吗? Elizabeth Bennet: No. 伊丽莎白:不。 Mr. Darcy: Are you *rejecting* me? 达西先生:你是在拒绝我吗? Elizabeth Bennet: I'm sure that the feelings which, as you've told me have hindered your regard, will help you in overcoming it. 伊丽莎白:我很相信这种感觉,当你告诉我有碍于你的尊重,这会帮助你克服过去的。 Mr. Darcy: Might I ask why, with so little endeavor at civility, I am thus repulsed? 达西先生:我可以问为什么吗,礼貌性地戴着一点点努力,我因而就被拒绝了? Elizabeth Bennet: And I might as well enquire why, with so evident a design of insulting me, you chose to tell me that you liked me against your better judgment. 伊丽莎白:并且我可能也想知道为什么,这对我是如此明显的一个侮辱,你选择是告诉我你喜欢我还是反对你自己更好的决定吧。


.“ Proud heart of everyone, from so many read books, this is indeed a man of a mental illness. As long as we have so little strengths, you'll feel great. But the pride and vanity but mean the same thing, but in essence, pride is the kind of feel, vanity is related to people overestimate their own, therefore, one for non-vanity pride justifiably. ” This is quite normal, but others do not harm self-esteem, only to be respected. This is quite normal...


说实话这部小说并没有什么体现傲慢之处,所谓的“傲慢”都是因为Lizzy对Darcy不善于表达和交际的误解造成的。所以这里面更多的是偏见,因为从他们相识开始,Darcy已经对Lizzy倾心。如果非要说一点傲慢之处,他们相识的舞会上,Darcy在Mr.Bennett欲引荐其和Lizzy的对话之后Darcy的答复:"Which do you mean?She is torlerable;but not handsome enough to tempt me;and I'm in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slithted by other men.You had better return to your partner and enjoy her smiles,for you are wasting your time with me."其实类似的句子还有,只是一时还真不好找。体现偏见的就有点多了。舞会之后其实Lizzy对Darcy已经有了心理上的偏见,她的母亲在褒扬Bennett的时候不忘斥责Darcy,劝Lizzy说别和Darcy跳舞,Lizzy回答的:"I may safely promise you never to dance with him."如果你有英文原版,仔细找找吧,马上断电了,没法打了。


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傲慢与偏见经典英文对白Elizabeth Bennet: I thought you were in London. 伊丽莎白:我原以为你在伦敦。 Mr. Darcy: No... No. I'm not. 达西:不...不,我不在那。 Jane Bennet: Yes. A thousand time...


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