

03月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雨后春笋用成语编一个故事]题记:雨后春笋的故事 三毛放学往家走,经过一片竹林。茂盛的竹子青翠挺拔,像一个个威武的士兵。三毛有些累了,就坐在竹林边的草地上,悠然自得地休息起来。 天上乌云密布。三毛觉得...+阅读

One spring festival,my friends and I went to the park to play with the fireworks.To our surprise,there was also a latern show in the park.We watched for a while and went on with the fireworks.But one of my friends was not careful enough when running and playing.He fell on the ground and a fragment of glass on the ground cut his finger and broke his legs.We hurried home and dealt with the wound,then we had a delicious dinner---jiaozi.The friend who fell on the ground had a fever that night.Those who ate too much jiaozi had a toothache and stomachache.So we went to the doctor for help.And when we came back home we found our relatives Cherry and Charile were in front our door and we let them in and they gave all the children lucky money as presents.


Spring Festval comes soon.We all hanged lots of colorful lights,it is our traditional customs in the east.

Liming bought some cheese from the supermarket.When he went out the supermarket,he find it raining heavily outside.

I have heard a mysterious story ever before.There is an old poor man in an old castle.He can change anything into a desk with his magic stick.

用英语单词编故事 LIKE COLOR

My favourite color is orange. It gives people a warm feeling. I guess it's because it represents the color of the sun. The sun is the essential of all living beings. Without it, earth would be as lifeless as all other planets. Our proximity to the sun is what makes earth so special, and what makes humans so special. Other than the sun, orange by itself is also my favourite fruit! You can eat it on its own or squeeze into a cup of juice. Either way is equally delicious. Its full of Vitamins and anti-oxidants. Hence, I really like the color orange.



用动物编一个童话故事分享 在一座美丽的森林里有一只聪明的小猴,它是一个发明家,发明了许多好玩的玩具,动物们都非常喜欢它。 有一天,小猴发明了一台电脑,便把好朋友都请到家里。动物们看了很好奇,小猴...

用手工作品编一个小故事先上天天小朋友的树叶画---海底世界 睡觉前,天天说编故事吧,妈妈建议编刚刚做的手工故事吧,天天让妈妈先编,妈妈建议一人编一个。 人物:乌龟爷爷,热带鱼黄黄,热带鱼棕棕,海草水红,海...

求又简单又长用英语编的故事A Bad Impression Six people were travelling in a compartment on a train. Five of them were quiet and well behaved, but the sixth was a rude young man who was ca...


用三个英语单词编1分钟左右的小故事The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a m...

二年级编故事用白天蓝天小鸟蚯蚓怎样编故事蓝蓝的天空中白云朵朵,一只美丽的小鸟正在自由自在地飞翔,同时发出欢快清脆的叫声。小动物们都夸赞道:“好漂亮的小鸟呀!” 小鸟听了更高兴了,不停地叽叽喳喳叫着,这时,蚯蚓从泥土...

用下列词语编个故事我气冲冲的回到家,把自己关在房间里。一本放在书桌上的书引起了我的兴趣,竟然忘记了生气,走过去翻看起来。 那是一本很破烂的书,封底都没有了,封面上有着类似外文的印金字,怎么看...

用古诗编故事急急急!一: 唐朝德宗年间,孟郊任江苏省溧阳县县尉。一天晚上,他正在书房里看书,看了一会儿,觉得有些累了,就站起身来,走到窗前。此时,窗外明月当空,晚风轻拂。他抬头眺望明月,一股思乡之情油...
