

03月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[用手工作品编一个小故事]先上天天小朋友的树叶画---海底世界 睡觉前,天天说编故事吧,妈妈建议编刚刚做的手工故事吧,天天让妈妈先编,妈妈建议一人编一个。 人物:乌龟爷爷,热带鱼黄黄,热带鱼棕棕,海草水红,海...+阅读

The duel between Two Snipers(狙击手)

Vassili(俄国名字) was (confronted) with bullet wound(枪伤) and a strong enemy ----Major, who was hiding in the dark, not far away from him. They are snipers. One shot to decide life and death.

Both of them were in (confusion), where their enemy was hiding, strong (curiosity) made them eager to find out their enemy's position. But it was (out of place) just to move slightly due to the precise marksmanship of them. Exposing the position was (vital).

Something went slowly out from the ruins(废墟). A helmet! Vallisi felt so (well off) and was decided to lean from a wall(从墙后探出身子)... Vassili thought that the Major was trying to (attain) to (到达) a different position…

An (abrupt) thought came to his mind: It was a trick!The helmet was (no more than) a lure(诱饵)!

Vassili (denied) the possibility that the helmet was Major's head. He chose to wait, to stay still.(原地不动)

Major was also thinking whether Vassili has gone and fell back (撤退), because he did not shot the helmet. He moved slowing from the ruin, the (consequence) of which was a bullet through his Head.

The news that Vassili had won the battle became a public (focus)(公众焦点). (Countless) people gave praise to the (genuine) sniper ---- Vassili, the man who even felt (thankful) to his strong enemy who had made him famous!(感谢敌人让他功成名就)



It was a very dark evening.My telephone rang,then one of my friend talked with a low voice through the phone,he asked me to go to the hospital,because his sister had got a cold,but he had so many things to do that he could not stay with her.then i believed and rushed to the hospital.I forgot to ask him which room his sister was in,so i waited for a long time,but nobody came.After a long time,i received a short massage from my friend,it just two words:April fool. I just realized that it was April Fool's Day .Of cause i could not meet his sister. 翻译:那是一个漆黑的夜晚,我的电话响了,然后一个朋友低沉的声音传过来,他叫我去医院,因为他的妹妹感冒了,但他还有很多事要做,不能陪她,然后我相信了并且急匆匆的跑去了医院。我忘了问他他的妹妹在哪间病房,于是等了很久,但是没有人来。又过了很长时间,我收到了朋友发来的短信,只有两个字:April fool.然后我才意识到那一天是愚人节,我当然不能遇见他的妹妹。

用所给英文单词编个小故事!急 !

Because of my outstanding performance in the recent school play, I was asked by the director of the upcoming drama, "Peter Pan", to play a part in his play. He said he recognized my talent and was expectant of next performance. He also requested that I do some research on my character Wendy straight away so that I could get a good command of my part. So I set out to do what was asked of me, I made use of every resource I was able to find. I also did things such as reading the original work by J.M. Barrie and I practiced scenes in front of the mirror. Actually I thought I laid a firm enough base for my part and that I was more than good, I thought it was brilliant.

At the rehearsals, my performance was lauded and my director gave me approving nods. The night of the play was fantasy-like, everything had gone perfectly as planned. At the end of the play, the director came up to me said that was the best performance he'd seen in years.

At present, I'm enjoying acclaims at the after party. I guess my efforts have really paid off.



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