

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[带翻译的英语小故事]英语故事带翻译:我该怎样谢你One day, a poor man is taking a bag of rice to a town. The rice is on the back of his horse but it falls down. The rice is too hey to...+阅读

Childhood like gardenias, because it is sweet and pure, ordinary yet can give a person infinite daydream childhood playmates because their seed have puffed up gardenia No kind of gardenia, because my mother said can't eat to also can't use, so if my big yard is full of green vegetables and carrots Even so that time I always hope one day to be able to have garden gardenia fragrance Dress girl, even when I didn't see her beautiful appearance, it is her first belongs to my gardenia gave me Her name is cui cui, the name of a still let my heart beat When we are at home to go to school, only a high school school is very small, small to each class beautiful girl we all know that call what name So long I know her name, privately in the book was written on the paper many times But then I courage small, can only be secretly look at her back And because our school is small, so it is easy to recognize Occasionally together taste, I don't know what's now should be to the taste of first love Know her, is the season of gardenia flowers permeated through the campus High horse classmate hand bag head can see white gardenia I said to cui cui I like gardenias, she said you can go to buy ah, I'm shy to touch touch more shy pocket, the expression must be very embarrassed She seemed to understand the meaning of my silent, smiled to me Time in the past several years, when I saw the man's ugly and dirty, often think of the young of the past and the transparent and beautiful gardenia in the past Wife says I'm miss beautiful, person in fact already fuzzy, clear is that kind of feeling people, at the beginning of goodness maybe we only in the memory of childhood is found that the goodness of human nature 从小就喜欢栀子花,因为它香而纯,平常却又会给人无限的遐想。

儿时的玩伴会因为自己家种有栀子花而趾高气扬。我家没有种栀子花,因为母亲说花不能吃也不能用,所以我家若大的院子种满了青菜与萝卜。即使这样那时的我一直都奢望有一天能拥有栀子花香飘满园。已过而立之年的我,现在想起来仍然少不了对栀子花的那份仰慕之情,当然回忆中少不了那个穿着黄连 衣裙的少女,美得即使当时我也没有看清楚她的样子,正是她把第一束属于我的栀子花送给了我。她叫翠翠,一个至今还让我心跳的名字。那时我们都在家乡唯一的一所中学上学,学校很小,小得每个班漂亮的女生我们都知道叫什么名字。所以很早我就知道她的名字,私下里在书上、纸上写了好多遍。不过那时我胆子小,只能是偷偷的看她的背影。也正因为我们的学校小,所以我们很容易就认识了。

偶尔在一起的滋味不知道是什么,现在看来应该是初恋的滋味。认识她的时候,正是栀子花香飘满校园的季节。趾高气扬的同学手里、包里、头上都会看见白白的栀子花。我对翠翠说我好喜欢栀子花,她说可以去买呀,我羞涩的摸了摸更为羞涩的口袋,当时的表情一定很尴尬。她好象懂了我默不作声的意思,对我笑了笑说,没关系我去给你摘,我傻傻的说可不能偷呀,她说如果没有就去给你偷。我无语,也许是让幸福堵住了嘴巴。晚上看到她的时候,多了一大袋栀子花,用那种透明的塑料袋装着,白白的栀子花泡在水里,很透明很纯。后来听翠的女友说,她是用蒸锅专门蒸的蒸溜水,她说这样才最干净。我和她之间的感情象水中的栀子花,美丽而透明。 时间过去好多年,当我看惯了人的丑陋和龌龊,常常想起少不更事的往事和往事中那透明和美丽的栀子花。








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