

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[舟舟与二丫的故事]今天和大家说说舟舟与二丫的故事,舟舟和二丫其实是创造他们的科学家和喜爱他们的网友取的昵称,他俩正式的名字叫 神舟十一号 和 天宫二号 !大家是否还记得我们在一年级的时候学...+阅读

Borned in 1978 in Wuhan, Zhouzhou is a borned mentally handicapped boy. Whereever he is, he will conduct the music with his hands as soon as he heard songs or melodies.

In 1999, he was invited by the handicapped association to perform in the Spring Festival Gala. His excellent performance moved all the audiences including some important political leaders.

In September 2000, he successfully conducted the world's top orchestra: National Symphony Orchestra and Cincinnati Pops Orchestra and then became world famous.

This is made me believe God will always open a window for you, no matter how you are, where you are and who you are.


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