

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我需要一些勤政廉政的小故事必须是一个故事哦]公元前74年,汉昭帝刘弗陵死去。他没有儿子,于是手握朝政大权的大司马大将军霍光立武帝的曾孙刘询为帝。这就是汉宣帝。 公元前68年,霍光病死。御史大夫魏相根据历史教训和霍氏...+阅读

An affair to investigate In the sitting room, visiting the millionaire George begged private detective parker, hope he can help his investigated whether his wife was having an affair. Parker in this kind of thing is very tired, but could not resist, George, the cry of the had to promise to give it a try. "If there is any doubt in your heart?" "Yes, a painter named terres!" George replied. "Since have, call me to investigate why again?" "Because there is no evidence to!" George severely beat his table. George a photo from his pocket, it is a very beautiful woman, he is shy of say: "this is my wife." "Oh, very beautiful!" Parker answer, but in the heart of this typical old wife less marriage filled with disdain. "I work at ordinary times busy, she said want to learn painting, I will send her to the painter painting there!" "Terres can have today, not just rely on my help, I didn't think he was ungrateful!" "Your wife has said to you that the matter between them?" "No, she didn't say anything, I wanted to prove the facts." "Where is the location of the painting?" "The era of the west tower, and my wife must be in there." Then, peck of terres made a detailed investigation, his paintings very accomplished, still unmarried. But, he is romantic and complex relations with many women, and therefore a lot of hostilities. Parker into his apartment, while terres out carefully packed for bugs, and no one lives in the next room, so parker rent down, convenient and hacking, of course, these costs are borne by George. To eavesdrop on parker came to know that there is a call, and he often clashed, is for the original painting award, also caused bloodshed, the dialogue between them park are recorded. About the dialogue between terres and George's wife, parker is listening carefully. It turns out that they have close relations, just terres are not really love her. Parker put the tape to George, he go on the rampage. For a month, terres was assassinated in the night. At that time, parker's tape recorder isn't open, so nothing can record. The police think that can enter the room must be acquaintances, so George, George's wife, 'cole all three suspected. In the body, but found the George lighters, so the police identified the murderer is George! "The murderer not him!" Park on the inference counters. Excuse me, who is uncertain?


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