

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com


Once upon a time an old woodcarver named Gepetto carved a puppet which he called "Pinocchio". When Gepetto finished , he was amazed that Pinocchio came to life—but Pinocchio did some very naugty things.He stuck out his tongue at Gepetto and stole his wig and kicked him. Then Pinocchio ran away. When he got tired of running around ,Pinocchio returned home .But the house was empty except for a talking cricket who warned him ,'You`d better settle down and go to school or you will turn into a donkey'. When Gepetto returned , he forgave Pinocchio but made him promise to be good and to go to school . The next day,the old man sold his only overcoat to buy Pinocchio a spelling book and sent him off to school . On the way to school ,Pinocchio passed a puppet show and sold his spelling book to buy a ticket to the show. When the puppets and the owner saw that Pinocchio was also a puppet , they stoped their show to welcome him.Then the owner gave him five gold pieces . Pinocchio thanked him and set out for home. On his way he met a fox and a cat . He showed them the gold pieces .The fox and the cat looked greedily at the gold ,but said nothing. Later ,as Pinocchio went down the road.He was attacked by two robbers with bags over their heads.They demanded his gold piecies . Pinocchio thrust the gold into his mouth and ran away from them .He didn`t know it , but the robbers were really the fox and the cat in disguise. He ran until he came to the house of blue fairy .When he told her the story ,she asked what happened to the gold coins. 'I lost them' , he said but he was lying . They were in his pocket now . Just then , his nose began to grow and to grow and to grow. 'Lies are always discovered' ,the fairy said ,'and your lies give you a long nose'. Pinocchio asked the fairy to fogive him . The fairy clapped her hands and called some woodpackers who packed his nose to the right size. Pinocchio kissed the fairy and hurried home with his gold , but on his way , he met the fox and the cat again. this is the question of "弹眼落睛 - 助理 三级", but It is not a complete version, for more please go to him or her.



皮诺曹长鼻子的完整故事是怎样的老木偶匠盖比特(Geppetto)亲手所雕刻的一个小木偶,他的名字就叫做匹诺曹。 在魔法为匹诺曹注入了神奇的生命力之后,匹诺曹便一心渴望成为一个活生生的男孩。为了实现这个愿望,匹...



匹诺曹的故事谁知道 ??在很久很久以前有个小孩叫匹诺曹,他是个木头人,是一个老光棍木匠做了他.他本来像做一个小姑娘的,可是村里农妇的舌头实在飞短流长.所以他硬是在小木偶上多加了块木头. 匹诺曹是...

小时候匹诺曹的故事是谁讲的这个是: 意大利著名文学家 卡洛-科洛迪(1826一1890年) 编著的童话故事。1826年11月24日出生在意大利托斯坎纳地区一个叫科洛迪的小镇。他的笔名便是由这个小镇的名称而来。科洛...

请帮忙翻译一则小故事匹诺曹once upon a time ,there is a puppet named "pinocchio " pinocchio is lively and clever except lying and his nose will be longer when pinocchio lies . pinocchio lik...


匹诺曹出自哪个童话出自匹诺曹。 《匹诺曹》又叫《木偶奇遇记》,是意大利作家卡洛·科洛迪创作的童话,也是其代表作,发表于1880年。 原文: 村口的狗叫了,于是村里的狗也跟着一起叫,他们也不知道为什...
