

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[鳄鱼和狒狒]一天,鳄鱼对狒狒说: 喂,狒狒!你愿意跟我交朋友吗? 狒狒说: 当然愿意,我很高兴跟您交朋友。 于是,他们便成了好朋友。一次,鳄鱼邀请狒狒到湖对面去探望它生病的老妈妈,狒狒愉快地接...+阅读

THE MONKEY AND THE CROCODILE One day a little monkey was playing in a tall tree by the river. A crocodile was swimming slowly near the bank with her baby. She looked around for some food. Suddenly she saw the monkey. "Aha, there's my meal," she thought. She then turn to her son, "Do you love me, Son?" "Why, of course, Mum!" the baby crocodile said. "Well then, you catch the monkey and give me his heart to eat." "But how can I?" the baby crocodile asked. "Monkeys can't swim, and I can't climb trees." "You needn't climb the tree," his mother said. "Use your head, then you will find a way." The baby crocodile thought hard. Then he had an idea. He swam near the tree and shouted, "Hey, Monkey! Would you like some bananas?" "Bananas! Mm! I love them," said the monkey. "But where are they?" "On the other side of the river. There are some banana trees there, and they have lots of bananas on them. I'll take you there on my back." "Good," the monkey came down and jumped onto the crocodile's back. Soon they were in the middle of the river. Suddenly the crocodile went down under the water. When he came up again, the monkey was all wet. "Don't do that!" The monkey cried. "Don't do that again! I can't swim, you know." "I know, but I have to," answered the crocodile. "My mother wants to eat your heart." The little monkey was clever. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He asked. "My heart isn't here with me. I left it in that tree over there." "Then we'll have to go back for it. Mother doesn't want you without your heart." The crocodile turned and swam back to the bank. Soon they reached the bank. The monkey jumped off the crocodile at once, picked up a big stone and quickly climbed up the tree. The crocodile waited for the monkey to come down again. As he was waiting, he suddenly heard a voice from above: "Hey, Crocodile!" The crocodile looked up. The monkey was hanging from the tree by his tail and laughing. 'Here's my heart. Come up and get it. Don't keep your mother waiting…You can't come up? Well, catch!' With these words, he threw the big stone at the crocodile.


《小猴子和小鸭子》故事望宝宝以后在家也能吃些饭,不挑食。这样你会更健康的 教育措施: A、请幼儿听两只小动物的故事(故事内容是小猴子打小鸭子小动物之间不友好,最后两个小动物互相爱护) B、老师评价...

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