

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[中国故事英文版]英语故事带翻译:公输子造喜鹊During the Spring and Autumn Period (770一476 B.C.), a skillful craftsman named Gongshu Zi in the State of Lu, known to people as Lu...+阅读

The kids spent all their afternoon to pick a present for their mom's birthday, and finally found a pretty vase that matches their mom's desk. Then, they take the vase to the cashier and ready to take it home. They are so exciting to give the vase to their mom, and the boy didn't see there's a dog behind him. The dog jumps to the boy and wants to play with him, but accidentally broke the vase. This happened in the front of the store and everybody comes to see what happened when they heard the crack.不知道是否符合你的故事,希望能帮到你,good luck!...


跪求短的英文散文或故事急啊!这篇小故事,不难的,还有中文意思,可以看看:)~~ It was a cold winter day in 1919. A small boy was walking along the street in London. His name was Tom. He was very hungr...

圣诞老人的故事英文简洁一点急!急!急!It is said that in the year of 300 AD, there was a kind old man and his name was Saint Nicholas. He was always ready to help the poor and often gave presents to...

看图写故事一年级看图写话怎么写 •1.看图先观察 •首先对于我们已经展示在眼前的看图写话,不要求立马就开始动笔书写。如果看到就开始书写,多半会写到中间就会停笔再观察的,所以我们在动笔之前...

呼啸山庄英文版句子单词急求解释!去该网站翻译: landlord ['lændlɔ:d]n. 地主 旅店女老板 wincing 退缩或畏缩的行 为Thrushcross Grange 画眉田庄 fix on 确定, 决定 Mr.Heathcliff and I are shch a suitab...

看图猜故事童话故事小猫和小狗交朋友 一天,小鸭子和小狗在一起玩。玩着玩着,小鸭子对小狗说:“小狗,我有一个新朋友,你要不要见见它呀?顺便就交个朋友吧。”小狗说:“好呀。”“那好,你等我一下。” 不...

小红帽故事英文版Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽 Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Ho...

书虫故事简介英文版Nowadays, the Antarctic is a house, Jiao A surviving a Scott South Pole Station. Indoor warm, both summer and winter, where people can live, work. No effort to...


动物的故事?急!急!急!急!急!标题: 想飞的小鸡 有一天,一只小鸡看见天空中翱翔的老鹰,心里很是羡慕。它想啊,我要是想老鹰那样可以在空中自由的飞翔该多好啊,它看看自己在看看空中的老鹰,它很是高兴,它想,我也有...
